Using an Air Mouse for Freelook - poor-man's TrackIR

Hey guys - You gotta try this !
I’ve just been testing an Air Mouse to use for freelook in planes and even as infantry. It’s truly awesome !
You just attach it to a headset with an elastic band.
There’s no lag (unlike all the other TrackIR alternatives which require facial-recognition software) and it’s unbelievably cheap.

I was so blown away dive-bombing in a Stukka that I had to stop playing and give my brain a rest - it was THAT incredible.
Using it as infantry is also amazing - you really feel like you’re there.
You can use it in games which have ‘freelook’ but it will still work in games without freelook (but may be a bit imprecise for aiming).
If anyone needs help setting this up just reply in this thread.
Obviously I bought this from a UK seller, but I’m sure it won’t be hard to find it wherever you are.
I have no idea how long this will continue working (as it’s a cheap Chinese copy) but honestly - if it does stop working I’ll be investing in a full-price one immediately.
So far it hasn’t resulted in headaches - mainly helped by there being zero lag.
Also, the view will sometimes return to being just slightly off-centre, but you can quickly fix this by using a normal mouse to drag the view back to centre, or even a gamepad or joystick with a button set as ‘freeview-modifier’.

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do you know how to setup my wireless mouse?


Yes - as it’s obviously an Air Mouse it will work.
Just go in-game and setup freelook controls for mouse in Planes.
You can also use it for aiming and freelook for infantry.
You will need to mess around adjusting the mouse sensitivity to get it working perfectly.
I’ll go back in-game now and take some screenshots of my settings… brb

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This is my new setup so I can use it for infantry -

My previous settings were ‘1’ for Mouse aiming speed and aiming mode sensitivity multiplier, but I’ve modified them so I can aim down sights using my head.

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Can I do this with a monitor?

This is the menu for ‘View’ (infantry) - only change I made was to increase sensitivity from ‘1’ to ‘3’.
In the ‘Aiming’ - ‘Axis Setup’ screen I just increased sensitivity from ‘1’ to ‘2’ - therefore freelook is more sensitive than aiming.

I assume you mean ‘can I do this on PC?’ ?
You need an Air Mouse (pics above) - I have a cheap Chinese one from eBay.
You attach it to a headphone set using an elastic band.

I have freelook sensitivity in Planes set LOWER than normal (0.4).

You will also notice -
I don’t have a ‘modifier’ set for freelook (look around) for the mouse controls - but I DO have a modifier set for my joystick controls.
When your view ends up slightly off-centre you can simply move your normal mouse to drag the view back to centre.
You may also be able to use your joystick/gamepad ‘look around’ to reset the view by quickly activating it then immediately taking your finger off the modifier button - but I havent tested to see if that works yet.
Using the mouse is dead easy to do anyway.

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How does it track your head movements? Do I need to hook a sensor up to my laptop or something?

Nope - it’s not using head-tracking.
You’re just using an Air Mouse attached to your head, with in-game ‘look around’ set to use a mouse. Just look at the above screenshots ^^^

rn I’m charging my old smartphone just so I can take a few photos of how the air mouse is attached to the headphone set… but it’s fairly simple to do.

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This is how I attached the air mouse to my headphones -

It’s just a single elastic band.


Here’s a quick video to explain in a bit more detail (and of course a visual demo of how it works ingame)…

This is the setting in Joy2Key - ‘Button 3’ is the little button next to the joystick trigger. This is set to return ‘SPACE’ which is set ingame as the ‘modifier’ to enable mouse ‘Look around’. When I release that button my view returns to centre.