Using 2 weapon on gunner worth it? (probably not)

Technically with 2 mg i can achieve 100 round mg42 right? so is this good or just bad? i mean it should have the total of 50/50 (since 2 gun) already load and 200 reserve right? (my math probably wrong here)

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2 MG 42 is stupid
But you can use 1 MG 42 and 1 MG 15 or 1 MG 34 Patronentrommel

Don’t you just end up with the single pool of ammo? I mean, I tried it once with a couple of rifles and I didn’t get any more ammo.

On the flip side, the large ammo pack works wonders.

Unless I’m completely misunderstanding the question, in which case, please ignore. :slight_smile:

As I have said already in different post, the basically only time when it’s truly worth to pick two weapons perk is for low BRs presets.

Because assaulter/gunner/whatever can always use the starter BA rifles. Meaning, Kar, carcano, VZ and so.

Which can be sometimes very handy when you need to fight over longer distances (Moscow/Tunisia).

Anyway, using two MGs is just hideous, it looks completely disgusting and it’s very immersion breaking for me. So I would never do that.

Ensure different ammo types


It isn’t worth it while dual wielding same gun (they share from same ammo reserve and you only gain 1 extra magazine). One positive to this is when you depleat ammo from the MG and ressuply → you gain same amount of ammo as large ammo pouch would have.

But… if you choose for example mg42 (50/50) + mg34 Patronentrommel (75/75) it becomes quite usefull (won’t share same ammo and you can effectively shoot 125 rounds with out reloading).

Different ammo types or different magazine sizes will prevent ammo sharing.

Moar ammo!!!

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I will stand by my SMG/Shotgun loadout till I die

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Oh man, I keep wanting to do that, but I like having a long range alternative to the SMG.

Sir, the SMG is the long range alternative

The ball bearing cannon is hungry. The Tree of Liberty cries out for the blood of tyrants. I’ve been put on this planet to do two things. Eat beef jerky, and slamfire this shotgun…and I’m all out of jerky.

My Assaulters usually rock an SMG and a rifle. Shotguns are cool and all, but they have no range.

An SMG is a bit here and there at range. Rifles ARE range. :slight_smile:

(They also have no damage)

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Yeah, I’ve found that. No multi-kills at close range, at least as far as I’ve found…

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I’ve gotten a double headshot before but that’s it

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Really? At what range? Close I assume…

I can’t remember. Probably no more than 5-10 feet

Well technically you would still have to reload both weapons…

I guess it can be worth it if you die alot.

Also depends on the MG, if it reloads fast… whats the point?

i recommend 2 rifle grenade launchers or 1 bolt action + semi auto

Just incase no one else has said, you get more ammo reserve if you use 2 different guns with 2 different mag sizes. If you use 2 of the same gun or 2 different guns with same mag size then your ammo pool is shared between them. The only benefit you’ll get by using 2 of the same is being able to skip a reload essentially which can come in clutch some times. For Germany gunners i usually use the gold order FN model 1930 (BAR) with a MG 42 or 34 with longer belt. For U.S. i use the BAR with the 1919A6. Thus making the soldier a bit more versatile.

There is an exception with all the grenade launcher rifles, if you put on 2 of the same here it will actually give you 5 grenades to use out of the first rifle instead of 3, then 1 additional grenade on your second rifle making a total of 6.

That’s actually reasonable option as well. Especially for US soldiers. They do have actually good shotguns. (Unlike germans)

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