Since it will be only ca. 1 week long, DF wont stuff it with multiple gold orders. Here is my proposal:
1 Weapons Gold Order
2 Swords Tokens for any nation (especially newer players will be very happy to get these rare items)
1 Stinger MG (most demanded event weapon ever)
and random silver
—> This is a reasonable payout to make players happy and regain trust for an event of anything between 4 - 7 days length.
EDIT: Throw in a token for any paratroopers squad in the game, this would everyone instantly make love DF again. I know DF would never do that, but according to most comments on YT I was too humble with my proposal.
Im sure the US mains would be happy, but it should not return until its magic ammo count is fixed.
As for the rest of the rewards, NO. We want gold orders, weapons gold order and vehicle gold orders, as many as possible.
df will never give anything more than what i proposed. they event didnt have the basic intelligence to give people a gold order for the previous 7 days delay and you assume they will suddenly put more gold orders into an event?
at first i wanted to propose 2 golders instead of one but then i remembered what game were playing here.
df doesnt have this feature coded and they already barely get stuff done in time.
any proposals that require some time of effort to finalize basically never get done by DF (sample size: then last 2 years), so i propose only things that can be done within 5 min with already existing assets and code.
youre mixing things up:
he proposes choosing ANY weapon. df only has code for choosing among a few selected weapons within an event.
in order to make this work, df would have to activate all event weapons ever to be pickable.
problem: df in the past failed at making even easier things than this one work.
i am long enough in this forum to only expect the easiest and laziest solutions from df. this is no insult or joke, its simply the only that works with df.
I’d prefer we get 2 Gold Orders for Weapons, 1 Gold Order for Vehicle, and 1 Gold Order for Soldier since that would cover the amount of gold orders you get in the current BP format (We have already received 2 Gold orders for weapons).
Will this happen? No of course not. But the length of delays has already almost met the entire length of a BP season.
My guess is that the key rewards from the event will be something lame like swords/pistols and a portrait that no one cares about. Or bringing back previous event weapons that people already have plenty of, like the Gewehr with trench magazine or .30 Cal Thompson.
The event with the Lanchester 50 and the MP41(R)'s was a great event. That would be an acceptable one to just repeat.
Last time I ended up getting 4 of the Lanchester 50s because they are more important for the Americans then the MP41(R) is for the Germans.
The Lanchester 50 is hands down the best SMG for the Americans. Only the 50 round Thompson comes close to the Lanchester but its up at BRV whereas the Lanchester is at BRIII. Also the 50 round Thompson has bad sights, and the Lanchester has great sights.
I got one MP41(R) from another event and its fairly good, although the mag size is too small for an SMG which fires as fast as it does. Its not as good as the gold order Suomi at BRIII, but its not bad with large ammo packs or the Guerillas who have extra ammo.
More Lanchester 50s and MP41(R)s would be best, maybe with sword tokens instead of portraits.
Everybody has different needs (and wants)! Personally, I like the idea of getting an event para squad—or some other squad—that I get to choose for myself (not one that DF chooses for me).