If you added THIS
Then I’m waiting for a new APC for Americans on br 3
If you added THIS
Then I’m waiting for a new APC for Americans on br 3
I believe there’s something similar in game files already. But it predates APC concept.
M3 GMC would be fun, but I need LVT-4. Please devs, I’m begging you. It would be so funny to just park one under the bridge on Omer.
there is the m3 75 gmc gun carrier in the editor ( or rather, used to be )
“problem” is, this m3 gmc was made before APC were even a thing ( more precisely, the same time pacific was released )
so, i don’t think it’s an APC. or will be. opposed to be a premium tank destroyer.
but, considering that i has been taken away from the editor, they surely can make it into an APC.
If they start bringing out larger maps, then I could definitely see these being added.
that didn’t stopped them being added regardless
because spoiler alert, you don’t need bigger maps to use halftracks or apc.
Exactly, all you want is to park them 50m away from objective anyway.
Map size literally does not matter in any way.
I dont think something with a proper AT gun should be available to the APC slot.
It would put the allies into a massive advantage as they can fight enemy tanks with in a 4 vs 2 scenario
Unless the axis gets HEAT for their gun (but they dont) there would be a serius advantage for the allies.
I know that a short 75mm is strong but keep in mind that it will be next to useless agains tank with a decent amount of armor.
So even if a team spams 4 short 75mm there would still be the option to spawn in a tank and kill all of the due to the armor advantage.
Similarly, the m3 cannon is useless against panthers and tigers
You didnt propose to put it into BR 4 did you?
that is why br 3
And it will still be able to kill every single tank in a low br match…
Just because you put something into BR 3 does not mean it cant harm low BR as it is just a chance that you wont see low BR matches.If it does get into the low BR lobby it will still reign supreme.
the m3 has exposed crew so… and next to no armor
it should definitely be a br II or III
you act like if no one runs with anti tank rifles
Exept the axis ones are just terrible with about 6 to 10 rpm because reasons
grb and sturmpistoles are also considered br II
pz IIs are everywhere
molotovs, grenades or even explosives can still pretty much destroy them
It is not that the vehicle itself is to strong it is just that it should not be an apc ontop of the tanks that will be able to snipe the opossing tank…
well, apc are meant to be support roles just like tanks.
except, weaker.
Oh yes the damage model will make sure that the confused heat will be able to actually damage something for sure…
There will be so much dead space that it wont be able to do much
it works against kvs. ( pretty much every tank up to br III and some IVs )
why shouldn’t work on a truck with tracks?