
whats with the uptiers lately? they have been crazy i cant get a game where im perfectly rated i always get uptiered and it seems helpless enemy has flamethrowers t34s and everything and my whole team is the same tier as me

Play BR5

When I play all BR3 Allies about 2/3 of the time I get dumped into a BR5 match as their soft rule is complete BS, so my favorite level for the Allies is useless if you want to play against foes with equal weapons. The matches have been so uncompetitive for the past couple months I am back to playing 4 or 5 times a day instead of the 20-25 I was averaging when they actually made an attempt to fix the match making. Of course, maybe they never really attempted to fix it, they could have just been giving us more lip service. I bought Battlefield 5 a month ago so I’ve started playing it more the past week. I guess we’ll see once I figure out what I’m doing if their match making is any better. :rofl:

I seriously doubt there isn’t a single BR III German on your entire team. Especially if it’s a full team

That being said, this is how the game is. Adapt and overcome