Upgrade icon green

For some time now the green icon has remained on the team as if there were some perk to perform on the soldiers even though they are already finished I hope it gets resolved it’s very annoying


I don’t know if it’s already forwarded and/or known, but I imagine it’ll be fixed in the next meapb.


Yep. Known bug


Wow, mate. What happened to you? That’s some proper positive.

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It’s not so much that I haven’t let go of my cynicism.

It’s that it’s such an obvious bug you can literally see it in your face when you log in. You’d think something that visible, so recent and so simple would be an easy fix.


You are acting like this green icon nonsense literally isn’t bugged for at least a half of the year. xD

And yet they were unable to solve it properly.

It’s older than half a year.

Just that it comes in different forms.

Either from “new equipment” being highlighted after you unequip anything and it’s the only copy in your stockpile, that annoying time non-changeable unique primary weapons like you’d find on premium squads and paras had it stuck, max level vehicles getting stuck with it, etc.

But having the entire squad with the funni green icon after hovering over and taking notice of whatever game wants you to take notice of is recent, as far as I know.

I’d also like to delude myself that there’s a non-zero chance it may have to do with Veteran Soldiers, and moving soldiers up tiers, or increasing their perk point distribution, as unrealistic and unlikely as it sounds.

Yeah, I believe so. But I don’t remember exactly for how long time, so I shortened the time period rather than spread untruths again.

I’m going to eat my hands now.



Well, this bug was introduced with “Make Enlisted a better place N. 58” what did you except, that they would correct some bugs instead of introducing new ones ?