So we have different vehicles who are the same one with improvement…
- T60,T70
- the two 85/76mm T34
- Panzer 3 B,E
- Panzer 3 J, J1
- Panzer 4 J,H
- The two P38
So my suggestion for unclog the tech tree and free space on it is let player upfit and retrofit their base tank, plane for choice what vehicle want use…
New soviet player start with the T60 and grind all his upgrades perk wen he grinded all the tank perk, and upgraded it to max star, the player can upfit the T60 in a T70, and if the player want use again the T60 can simply use the retrofit option and change the T70 in a T60
Imo this is the perfect solution for incentivize people to upgrade vehicles and and grind their squad, also this system can be copied for gun and soldier
- Upfit an assaulter 2 in an assaulter 3
- Upfit a M1 carabine in a M2 carabine and the opposite
- Upfit the pps42 in a pps43
Upgrade are cumulative so once you grinded and upgraded the pz4 J once you upfit it to the pz4 H the new pz4 H keep the upgrade, same with gun upgrades and soldier perk