⭐ Update "New Era"

I don’t even complain anymore. When I do encounter team which makes me frustrated, I’ll just quit the match.
That’s the best way how to punish them. I’ll not brother to try carry them, I’ll just try to find more enjoyable match instead.

And I really couldn’t care less about loosing rank points.


I’ve played about the same number of rounds. My same dislike for the changes has lessened quite a bit over a bit of time. The things which made the game unplayable seem to have been fixed with the addition of the Ardennes map and with what I’m going to suspect was a little bit of fine tuning. At first, the top tier Allied queue was extremely imbalanced and it was nearly impossible to find a reasonable match. I fell from Brigadier General to Major in 4 days. Since that time, I have slowly climbed back up and I just reached Lieutenant General yesterday.

Win percentage first 2 weeks after Big Merge: 16%
Win percentage after: ~60% (about how I was doing in Normandy, pre-Merge)

It’s a lot more competitive than it was when EVERY match was swarming with nearly a dozen Germans with StGs and MG42s. I don’t want matches with NONE, but the number of players with top weaponry has to be a matchmaking consideration

It seemed in those early Merge matches, Allies were mostly BR3 and Germans were mostly BR5. Add to the fact that every round the Germans knew how to use them and every single round was an exercise in futility. It happens a lot less often now. I don’t mind losing a round; I want fun play. When we dig in at the last cap and the attackers find a way to beat us, that can still be fun. When they still have 900 reinforcements left as they take the last cap, no fun at all. That thankfully hasn’t happened since before Christmas.

I reference it for a baseline. How many rounds have you played this season?

I have no clue, but is definitely several hundreds. When I get home, I can screenshot how many battles I’ve played since the Merge update. (I know it is not whole season, but it helps you to make a picture)

Btw I was just reacting to previous post.



Yes I get it now you wrote it the way the developer wrote it.
But in my opinion this is not working properly.
I have met Calliope several times with BR II, which of course I should not have met according to your explanation and the developer’s description.

So I am only pointing out something that may be normal or a bug. It could be due to a lack of players on both fronts or a bug in the team creation settings.

BR I, II according to the description should play against BR I,II,III
BR IV, V should only play against BR III, IV, V

BR III will play against I, II, III, IV, V.

But the Calliope machine is BR IV and I’m seeing it with BR II.

Even developers are human and can make mistakes. Despite all this, I appreciate them and they have done a tremendous amount of work.

I just want to tell that I really HATE the game right now. I am BRIII and am getting constantly butt-kicked by tier 5 players. My planes are useless, my bolts are useless, it´s just so damn frustrating. I will never buy any gold again, until this shit is fixed.


Pro tip, play BR2 so you won’t get uptiered hard.

I do understand your frustration, because I have many max star weapons and vehicles on BR3 I don’t use because I don’t wish to risk getting destroyed by BR5 and being a general “liability” if I use vehicles.

For now the best we can do is wait for Steam release which should boost player numbers enough to improve MM.

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Which faction are you playing? I play (mostly)BR3 Allies right now and I’m not feeling hate anymore.

P-51D-5 is BR3 and pretty useful even in top tier. Sometimes, it’s just a luck of the draw where/when you are positioned at spawn to attack. Start your ground attack with the enemy spawning above you and you’ll have trouble regardless of your vehicle.

Yes, its pretty good for ground support with its 2 500lb bombs, but most German fighters don’t carry much bombs.
Japanese and Soviet aircraft usually have small loads.
Also US is usually the faction that is spamming aircraft, not the faction trying not get nuked.
In pure fighter vs fighter Germany has the best aircrafts, but having a player do nothing else just hunt aircraft is a luxury most teams can’t afford.

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Automatic adaptive camo for New Era APCs when?


(Also for all other vehicles in the game)


You are not alone in that br3 experience.

3 things you can do:

  1. just quit the map the moment you realize its br5

  2. use br2 until you have a strong br4 line up to fight in br5

  3. don’t take this game too seriously because it doesn’t take your game experience seriously.


Well to be hones, i am a bit clueles, how to play the game. I mean, all of a sudden I can play with my italian troop, in summer gear, in winter Russia? sorry, haven.t played it since the update.

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it br base and if you like italian you can only do br1-3 since tunisia are only available there

BALANCING gets even worse and worse…9 from 10 games I loose, playing the germans in 90% defense maps…

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I regret to report, the matchmaking has fatal flaws which expels the german side. There is allied cheese which is causing people to leave the game entirely to the extent its a good thing there’s bots. There’s only so long a vet can lead volksgrenadiers that are constantly losing and looking to a leader to still lose.

Fix the leaning, make the waiting times longer if it means a fair fight, and stop putting double stacked squads against pick-up-groups. Like what is going on here. The majority of my friends list of vets are MIA 1 month after this update, and after a few months of testing I’m not surprised.

Fix this.

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If you are playing in a group, you will go with the highest BR member. So if you have two guys on a team where one is a BR 5 and the other is BR 1, both will get sent to the high tier match.

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Gaejin, please, please pleaaaaase.
I juste came out frome my cave, and i discover the “New Era” Update. My first reaction was… WTF !!!

I was ready to buy a premium, but now, I don’t dare think about it anymore. Enlisted was THE game capable of reconciling me with FPS. And now this BR system has killed the game… This is not War Thunder…

And worse… We can no longer choose our front line??? It was the most charming side of the game. Having the impression of having 5 games in 1. Being able to go from the sandy desert, to the landing beach, then to the cold of Moscow and the Pacific beach… What a beautiful change of scenery …

The gameplay improvements are very good, but you have killed the magic of the game…


It has been more than half of the year since this update dropped.
It seems like you are really not playing Enlisted actively, lol.



He WAS in a cave… :thinking:


im sure we will see more cavemen emerge throughout this year

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