⭐ Update "New Era"

The “one in the chamber” mechanic has been implemented, so that’s why


would be funny to me if somehow i got 76round mg15 ngl

idk i havent play today update but im definitely gonna try it out

ofc there are especially the new APC squad doesnt even look unique

If I remember correctly, FG42 fires from closed bolt in semi auto and from open bolt in full auto. So this one bullet should remain only in semi auto firing mode. Though I guess nobody cares about such small detail.


Niiiice. Strange that this is not mentioned it anywhere.


The devblog was rushed as well.

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heya, we forwarded this issue

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Wait a squad easily priceless in value can be sold for 10k?
:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:



A “significant” amount! :rofl::joy:

To lose permanently a priceless legacy squad that gives advantage over newcomers.

Meanwhile, me and my 100s tier IV assaulters…



yes more stuff thats game needs, who cares that it sucks for year at basics


Alo 911, there is people being robbed openly by selling their squad for 10k silver… when you can sell 1 Assaulter IV for 11.5k lmao


Have to congratulate you on continuously making the game worse since the merge.

‘‘New Era’’ more like dead era.

  • Axis queues consistently over 1 min

  • unfun, unauthentic game

  • maps are still garbage

  • soviet para squad OP AF who though RD-44 and Pzf100 at BR 1 is ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘BALANCED’‘’‘’‘’‘’

If something doesn’t change fast might as well quit the game entirely.

STILL NO BR ADJUSTMENTS and matchmaking is even more broken than it ever was before.


The soldiers who participated in the Battle of the Ardennes did not have Christmas, and it sounds like the developers of Darkflow will be spending Christmas laboring in the same way.
Please take care of yourself and rest as needed.


The update is nice and all but we still lack some of these things:

  • The customization for all nations should be categorized into seasons and the Italians still lack their own uniforms outside Tunisia except for some Premium Squads.

  • The ability to choose which nationality a soldier will be for the US and German faction

  • Working hull MG’s for tanks

These are a few that still need to be addressed.


Well maybe if 90% of the player were not playing the same faction this issue would not be a thing don’t you think?


kindly fix the problem with the research tree where in order to buy a researched item i have to start all over again with researching the whole tree just to buy this item while i have the previous item already researched, if you agree with me guys please upvote and spread the word


they are just very greedy and want to earn more money for the holidays

if it was 10k gold i might think about it


Can we stop hiding the extra squad slots unless you buy the premium


Sounds like a game issue. In campaign system you’d just get a lobby of bots and be able to play nonetheless soo i fail to see your argument.
Unless you mean ‘‘but i want muh player v player games’’ yeh works well atm most games are even greater steamrolls then pre-merge (: since most gamemodes and maps don’t work in a 10+ v 10+ players using 6+ soldier squads.

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