
The work on the next major update continues! In the meantime, today we are ready to present you with a smaller one, containing no less important fixes and improvements!

Improving graphical effects

The DLSS 4 support improves performance and brings new features for NVIDIA RTX graphics card owners.

Plus, the improved cinematic effects help you recreate the aesthetics of film and movie cameras in the game!

AI navigation and map improvements

Our map designers worked really hard on improving the pathfinding of AI and fixing numerous smaller problematic areas across all maps!

In-game interface guides

The newly added text guides are designed to make it easier for you to get familiar with the game’s various interfaces. They can be useful for both experienced players and newcomers.

These and the improvements listed below are already waiting for you in the game!

Weapons and soldiers

  • Increased the rate of fire of the Japanese Type 97 sniper rifle from 42 to 49 and the Type 99 sniper rifle from 48 to 52 shots per minute.
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to place a squad in the premium squad slot when there were empty normal slots available.
  • Added the unique medic markings to the Orita M1941 (Germany, Premium) squad’s uniform outside of the Battle of Stalingrad / Rzhev maps.
  • Increased the damage of the SKS-31 (USSR, Premium) to 15.3.
  • Changed the firing sound of the Berdan II (USSR, Battle Pass).
  • Adjusted the recoil of the M1A1 Carbine (USA, Event). Added the ability to mount a bayonet on it.
  • Fixed the display of soldiers’ characteristics when receiving them.
  • Improved the crouching animation.
  • The explosion damage of rifle grenades has been reduced to match impact grenades (the armor penetration of HEAT rifle grenades remains unchanged), the reload time of rifle grenades has been increased by 15-30%.


  • Adjusted the armor of the Sd.Kfz.234/3 (Germany, Event).
  • Added 37mm HE shells to the Ha-Go, Ke-Ni, Ka-Mi and Chi-Ri II (secondary cannon).
  • Fixed a bug that allowed extinguishing vehicles from the inside.
  • Allied rally points are now be visible on the minimap when driving an APC with an “APC Driver” class soldier.
  • Ammunition resupply point marker is now colored according to team color.
  • Added a mechanic that prevents the Ho-Ri Prototype (Japan, Premium) and Ho-Ri Production’s crew from being set on fire from the outside when the tank’s hatch is closed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented zooming when inspecting certain vehicles in the hangar.
  • Added a seventh crew member to the M3 Lee (USA, Research).


  • Added DLSS 4 support.
    • Improved image quality with DLSS for NVIDIA RTX graphics card users.
    • Added Multi Frame Generation (available only for NVIDIA RTX 50 series cards).
  • Added optional cinematic effects: film grain, lens flare from the sun, chromatic aberration and motion blur.
  • Improved weather effects: “Raindrops On Screen” option has been replaced with “Screen Space Weather Effects”.
  • Improved bullet hit marks on various surfaces.
  • Added bullet hit marks on glass surfaces.


  • Improved AI soldiers: they now choose positions better and try to avoid getting in player’s crosshairs.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes made it impossible to send AI soldiers to defend/attack strategic points in Burma and Rzhev.
  • Multiple improvements to map and object geometry to improve AI navigation:
    • Improved the AI’s pathfinding through water in the “Omer,” “River crossing,” “Monastery” and “The Maisky Forestry” missions.
    • Fixed AI soldiers getting stuck in various destroyed buildings and debris in the “Wilhelmstrasse”, “The Reich Chancellery”, “Univermag”, “Gogol street”, “Rzhev: Left Bank”, “Tractor Plant”, and “D-Day” missions.
    • Fixed the AI’s behavior on the stairs of the train station in the “Dominant height” mission.
    • Fixed the AI’s behavior near the pillboxes in the “HĂĽrtgen Forest” mission.
    • Fixed AI soldiers getting stuck in wooden sheds found in Berlin, Normandy and Rzhev.
    • Fixed AI soldiers getting stuck on the upper floors of buildings in Normandy.
    • Fixed AI soldiers getting stuck in open train cars in Moscow and Berlin.
    • AI soldiers can now correctly follow the player on the rooftops and in the corner buildings in the “Myansera” mission, in the underground settlements in the “Kahif cave village” mission, in the destroyed fortifications on the beach in the “D-Day” mission, through the destroyed walls of the old chancellery building in “The Reich Chancellery” mission and on the destroyed platforms in the “Steel Mill” mission.

Locations and missions

  • Added new missions: “River crossing (Conquest)”, “River crossing (Conquest) Large”, “Mountain pass West (Invasion)” and “Myansera North (Invasion)”.
  • Fixed a bug that caused squad respawns to cost more reinforcement points than intended.
  • Improved the position of the respawn camera in the “Wilhelmstrasse (Conquest)” mission.
  • Added cover along the railways in the “Werbig station”, “Railway bridge” and “River crossing” missions.
  • Fixed the “Construction Site” capture point in the “Ministry Garden” and “Moat” missions - now it can be captured from bomb craters.
  • Improved the battle area in the “D-Day” mission.
  • Adjusted railway crossings to improve their passability for motorcycles and APCs (including half-tracks).
  • Added additional fords to the “River crossing” mission to simplify river crossing.
  • Fixed issues related to shooting through bushes on various locations.
  • Fixed places where players could get stuck in burned down buildings in the Pacific.
  • Fixed floor texture issues in the “Tractor Plant” mission.
  • Fixed the missing destruction and debris generation effect of the staircase tower from afar in the “Al Jabal Farm” mission.
  • Fixed the display of civilian vehicles in “Myansera” mission that made them look driveable.
  • Fixed the incorrect position of logs blocking the door of a house in the “Railway bridge” mission.
  • Fixed the incorrect terrain and debris placement near the church in the “Ruins of Vaux” mission.
  • Fixed the incorrect destruction of windows at the train station in the “Dominant height” mission.
  • Fixed the collision issues of the ancient temple in the “Myansera” mission, the crashed plane’s cockpit in the “New Georgia” and “Munda Point” missions, the train station’s walls in the “Gogol street” mission and some of the church’s windows in the “Rzhev: Left Bank” mission.
  • Fixed the model issues of the floor in the steel mill’s upper floors in the “Steel Mill” mission, the train station’s roof and balcony in the “Lehrter Bahnhof” mission, the church’s steps in the “Kamenka River” mission and the church’s walls in the “Rzhev: Left Bank” mission.
  • Adjusted the models of pre-placed, destroyed Pz.IV and Panther tanks in Berlin and Normandy - now they are more usable as cover and firing positions.
  • Fixed the possibility of bullet penetration through large log piles and train cars in various locations.
  • Fixed the materials on certain metal objects (water tanks, locomotives and train cars) to correctly display hit effects.
  • Fixed that street lights activated too early on various locations.
  • Fixed the inability to climb on excavators in the “Quarry” mission.
  • Fixed the incorrect stone pavement textures in the “Al Har” mission.
  • Fixed the material properties of windows in Normandy and Burma and the portholes of ships in the “Munda Point” mission.
  • Adjusted the textures of destroyed buildings in Berlin.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned rock groups in the Ardennes, Tunisia and the Pacific.
  • Adjusted the machine gun’s position in the pillbox in the “Fortress” mission.
  • Fixed various destruction chains where destroying the main object didn’t affect dependent objects, leaving them floating in missions like “The Maisky Forestry”, “Dominant height”, “Moat” and others.
  • Fixed the incorrect placement of debris and vehicles wreckages in Stalingrad, Rzhev, Moscow, Berlin, Ardennes and Normandy.
  • Corrected numerous incorrect decorative object placements in Moscow, Normandy, Tunisia, Berlin, Stalingrad, Rzhev and the Ardennes.
  • Fixed the effect of dripping water when destroying barrels and water containers in the Pacific.
  • Improved the texture details of rocks and cliffs in the Pacific.
  • Adjusted the tessellation of the terrain in the “Steel Mill” and “Power plant” missions.
  • Fixed the terrain in the “Kahif cave village” mission where armored vehicles could get stuck.
  • Fixed the position of decorative elements and the destructibility of barbed wire posts in Practice mode.


  • Added text-based guides for the game’s various interfaces. To access the list of articles, click the question mark button available in most of the game’s menus.
  • Added a “Unlock more slot” button to the soldier selection screen of squads.
  • The squad class filter now resets after re-entering the squad selection screen.
  • When hovering over vehicles and weapons in a squad’s upgrade screen, their descriptions are now displayed.
  • Adjusted the tooltips in the vehicle upgrade window.

Other improvements

  • Disabled hit sounds from allies hitting the player.
  • Improved the sound effect of rolling rewards in the daily login window.
  • Gold orders from various achievements have been replaced with 20,000 Silver.
  • Gold orders from the daily login system have been replaced with Silver, appearance change orders and squad upgrade change orders.

I had fun while it lasted. Good to see it fixed


Hallelujah! Finally!


Aaand update is here, have fun in battles, comrades!


oh well time to replace all of my type 99 rifles on my AT soldiers with the hei auto rifle, I love having less variety at BR5


Schwarzesmarken salute


can you please remind me how big or small the radius of grenade launcher is now? just so i can make my own decision on keeping it or not


It’s beautiful, but the previous color was much better for camouflage on Japanese maps.


Closer to impact grenade now,

And when will veteran boxes come back? I miss gambling and greed.




i havent use impact grenade in a while so i honestly forgot the radius


yeah, now rifle grenades will become forgotten and untouched

if darkflow was unsatisfied with their performance i would have just preferred moving them to a higher BR instead of nerfing them into the dirt


Exact same as impact grenades, so for non vitality soldiers:
Kills 0.0 - 2.0m | Downs 2.0 - 4.0m | Only damages at 4.0 - 8.0m




I shot the rifle nade right into my legs and it only downed me

Dont even have vitality

I tried again and then it killed me. Seems a bit inconsistent


Whilst I am happy AI patching was improved, time will tell. But what were the random decorators I saw when loading update and going in game?

My Churchill tracks are sadly not fixed yet either. It is the small things that spoil immersion don’t forget :face_with_monocle:


The problem was and is mobility, you should have to be stationary to shoot em, plant em on ground and direct and fire.
They way Enlisted just run around jump fire andforgett, it’s ridiculous unrealistic wayy to op was.
YOu should have to think and do and not just run rush and zerg, hate that gaemplay.
Same with AT Rifles should only be able to be fired from prone or when bipods are planted on something, also f stationary, not run around like some CoD Fortninte BS!


Does this apply to the type 99 long sniper?

Why ruining br3 fight by making grenade launcher not useable one nerf would have been enough but 3 nerfs just kill it.