In fact, developers are considering methods to improve them and iron out bugs with AI soldiers as we speak.
after update when i trie to login in the game screen stocks endless in clouds
well… they have been doing this for more than 4 years and the “improvements”, if they can be called improvements, that they have given to the AI throughout that period of time until today are hardly noticeable.
A few days ago a user published a very complete post about how enlisted’s AI is TERRIBLE compared to a 10 dollar game whose devs are not subject to a company and whose budget is much lower than enlisted.
In any case, I hope that this time it is serious that the devs are thinking about how to REALLY improve the AI and not just minor improvements.
Maybe as an event, but main TT as german.
Its a german rheinmetall gun after all.
Why does FG-42 have x8 in-game magnification on the same scope model?
Continuing the discussion from Testing the next update (November 15):
It differs just with the rubber tube, the lens should zoom the same as on G43
Can ,someone explain custom update please?
Could you run it by them that Gold Order Soldiers for some jobs need to be the highest level.
No more level 1 - 3. I rather pay 5000 silver for higher Assaulter then to waste on gold order.
20% exp is okay but would good long way if they were higher level. Since the grind for leveling squads has improved recently (%50 exp/silver for random match) without the gold order soldiers.
I like the new “Try out” mode, it’s good stuff - started reducing my gold order count already.
But when I select this one, the Murata 22:
I end up like this with an MP 28:
The rest of the team holds Muratas, but it still surprised me.
If you try any russian BP smg, you will endup with the AT-44 event squad, all of them holding said SMG but the engineer still holding their Assault rifle. This seems kinda weird as a design choice
It’s not a problem, but they should auto-select the guy holding the selected gun.
…this one is:
And my game is lagging like in test server. Fix it, pretty please?
The match that crashed would have been my last to get 900 gold, I see what you’re doing there…
EDIT: I received the task completion and the gold after a while, so whoever coded the server side, I greatly appreciate his/her work!
Can you downtier the MP18 and MP28 extended mag?
Hi this update have messed up my BP progress, pls fix
Also why is the soviet attacker sqd III gets a 3rd sqd size upgrade? no plane that sqd can use has 4 seats
Forwarded, thanks
I can’t replicate your first clip.
As for your second that specific window in practice has a collision issue, it’s unrelated to rocket launchers
Getting lots of crashes on ps5 and could not reconnect to matches, some dubious server hit reg issues with troops and tanks - any server, allied faction, played yesterday evening, if it helps.
Mig 3 back in line up, in fact technically have 3 presets for Low tier for every faction except Japan as had soo many choices!
The try out of AT-44 was bound with Assaulter IV while, as guys mentioned, for example the try out of RPK-43 is making the engineer in the AT-44 squad holding the LMG.
(what can i say is wtf dudes)
Maybe I’m brainless…What did happen to my GO with this new bp system ?
Nothing yet.
The GO will disappear from the BP.
To spend the GO you already own, old stuff will be added to the BP shop.