
Now the AP mine are uselless when you can just sprint over them and just take 5 damaged. It now just a impact grenade on the ground with a little fuse.

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Is not fixed at all :unamused:

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Yep, I noticed it yesterday. It was fixedā€¦ for only 1 day and got back to previous, bugged state.

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i really dont understand how bugs get ability to always time travel in enlistedā€¦ so many fixed bugs are only fixed for certain period of time before they are reverted backā€¦

The testing phase has a limited playerbase. Once an update goes live, more people play it, hence why post-update bugs become more apparent. Itā€™s just one of those things, unfortunately.

At least the devs recognise this and act accordingly.

problem is frequent re occurrence of already fixed bugs which would imply failed project management with version control. it is like 2 programmers are working on same file, one fixes one bug and commits change and other one overwrites that commit with old file that has first bug unfixed(something that should be impossible with any version control software). or it could be that one programmer is just doing rewrite of old problem but forgot to include fixed logic(seen that happening with MM after merge).

it is kinda annoying to see bug fixed, just for it to return after 2-3 weeks/months. this is something almost impossible to catch on testing unless you are actually looking for it.

Framerate problems due to this update. Game becomes kind of unplayable. Please optimise game this is a real problem.

I suggest to make report about performance problems here: Community Bug Reporting System

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Same bugs, old bugs, new bugs, only color has change and the nerfing of some explosives, even AI is playing the same way that in 2021ā€¦


Also had this issue