
Joe is happy :blush::joy:


I instead today I finally enjoyed have both a plane and tank at the same time :rofl:


Yes, exactly! You noticed the same issue - the water being weird - on your end too?

I think there is some issue with reflections - on another map I watched a couple of our guys come out of the water and it looked fine when they did, but as soon as they were out the weird reflection returned and made the water look like gelatin/ice/glass again

Yes checked in all other spots where there is water - it is definitely something off with reflections, as all water surfaces look more like thin ice than water (especially with puddles).

Joe indeed is.

I got a cold, so I thought “eh I’ll mostly support instead of charging, since my reflexes are slower”

I ho prone and… Nobody gets passed my lone lmg guy. Those who pops their heads trying to take me down are quickly mowed down, because my set up lmg is deadly accurate.

How it should be!

Ahah yes, the slot! I now field a troop transport in every br preset :smile:

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Did you like the extra slot for a premium squad?

For me was either flame tank or bike squad :slight_smile:

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Ofc I do!:

Some lineups did not have transports. Those that did, I just added a funny tank or plane.

Thinking of creating “commandos” squads, too. Turns out the silenced erma went to br2… and I got 4.

I think I got silenced m3 somewhere too.

Oooor I could give them to my biker squads? I still don’t know :sweat_smile:

Always been like that for me


(I miss GhostofIsmael. His kind of joke.)

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3 to 4 players per team and mostly bots, even during an event. You clearly don’t need a failed steam release to kill the game.

I really appreciate this update!

The premium slot is great (though would love to move it in the order).

Bipods are great!

There’s nothing I don’t like in this update and appreciate that the devs jumped on some of the issues and got them sorted within one day.


So when are devs going to move the Lee Enfield sniper to br2 I mean they moved both the SMLE and the lee Enfield to br 2 so why not the sniper version?

Gotta agree.

Has been alot better at area denial. Enjoying the browning mg ALOT


I put in my 506th Filthy Thirteen paratroopers to my premium slot. That allowed me to take

Infantry squad (M2)
Sniper squad (M1C)
Radio squad (M2s)
Assault squad (M1A1s, M1919 mg)
Machine gun squad (BARx3)
506th Paratroopers

It ends up being a pretty effective lineup. I now can take 2/3 of Assault, Mortar, Sniper squads.

(Sniper squad is level 2, assault squad still has some upgrades, mortar is pretty useful for battle pass tasks)

Yes and no.

It was 5 hours reconfiguring presets … but it was worth it. It does however show that I really would like to see purchased/premium slots (5 - 10) become optional to fill as this premium slot is for preset purposes.

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is From old Berlin bomber

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After a week, I want to commend the changes on the AI. I have really been enjoying the new movement patterns of the AI.

It looks sooo much better than previously.

My AI are slightly more useful. I appreciate having AI that is more than a free respawn.

I want to command my Elite Troops, Not hide them for respawning :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ai now react fire on me so much better than before, that I sometimes think it’s a player.

They’re taking over!!! :scream::scream::scream:


Its much better. Actually watching my AI properly attack move now (sometimes)

The attack objective order is working rather well


Ye, played some few password locked custom games last week. Thought sometimes real players joined the lobby :wink:

I hope they had the password, if not it’s sus! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: