
Mountainers equipment on an IS-2 mhm i dunno about it…

i mean i guess i could try to use adam method to change it color but i havent unlock the IS2 yet so i cant try it rn

The beards are better looking but i noticed that they are clipping, at least on some Japanese faces.

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event and prem vehicles cannot change colors.

Stalingrad factory is a all BR map, and is a winter map

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Just look at adam post and you will see what i mean

Some of them can if you know how.

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Is the bolt-action perk fixed yet?


I think it is dumb that players have to buy the camo separately. Could be great time to introduce camo that changes depending on the map


There’s so much potential for further expansion.
Although I personally want Italy to be the high priority, I think the smart play is to go CBI first to try to pull in the Chinese and Indian markets better.

…nobody does China India Burma in a video game.

Who’s gonna take one for the team and test the IS2?

Those things on a tank are so crude and tasteless, I can’t imagine who must be the designer who thought this looks good

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Nobody does them because nobody wants them.

And Soviet - Japanese conflicts are super represented in video games?

Btw, the last map the Soviets got in the game was STZ in December 2022, over two years ago.

Nice, Snowy camouflage!

To go well in STALINGRAD WITH KING TIGERS!!! :smile:



The activity of T-34-100 should have been updated tonight, but why not?


Are you sure about that?

So you want another US vs Japan map?
We already have two set.

We need USSR vs Japan map to make every faction fight two faction so the matchmaking will be balanced in terms of opposing faction.

Just bought Hotchkiss 1922. The reload animations are next level - there are even special animations when changing a magazine to another one that is mostly spent (the soldier gives it an extra push to move the clip all the way), I was impressed. Big respect to the animators :medal_military: This one’s definitely worth spending a golden order, guys


Big sad that i dont play japan mg gunners. Why cant this thing be for germans also? Same thing that they did with fn 1930

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