With today’s release of the tiered xp progression unlock trees, some questions came to mind (and I cannot really ask in original thread as it’s already being cluttered by HA ppl.)
- How will one, unlock weaponry?
To unlock, say, VG2, will it be REQUIRED to lvl armaguerra first?
By that I mean, to PROGRESS in the line, will it be necessary to USE SPECIFICALLY the last unlocked weapon of said line, like WT, or one can ignore it, keep using k98 and still amass xp?
Will we be able to amass xp in some sort of “bank”, and choose to distribute it at our leisure in next unlocks?
I wonder, because some weapons, I don’t personally like much. While I already unlocked most of the things, newcomers might not be too keen being forced to use armaguerra to unlock vg2 and next things.
It was showed in the first pic keo showed US we get RP point at end of each battle and we can use them for unlock thing

That’s literally the best outcome we could wish for, I’m glad if it is so!
Please note that was a work in progress picture.!
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Being forced to use one specific weapon to research the next one would be extremely dumb.
If it will be like WT, you’ll be able to earn XP points for the next unlock with anything, except with a malus if the tier gap is too wide.
on WT users select the next upgrade they want to unlock and can only grind 1vehicle at time right ?
i haven’t played War thunder for a while now, i dont remember much
You select what you want to research, and the XP from matches will go into it.
You can change your mind on the way and switch research to something else. The already earned XP will remain on the partially researched item, saved for later.
That would still be great.
I was just scared we’d need to USE the specific weapon to unlock the next one.
Both Gastanofrizzi and yours theory would suffice completely.
You can grind whit You favorite weapon/tank/plane
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nah definetly no, the xp will definetly be universal
Select your grind tree and play what you want, as in war thunder. That was stated already.
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