Unlocked nearly everything in all Nations .. Now What?

I’m getting close to having unlocked everything in all nations, A couple of tanks left in the US/GB Allies tree, same with Japan. Germany and Soviet trees are complete now. If ive done it there will be many others that have too.
BR V is a boring explosion fest with all the prototype weapons on show.
So whats next? Any ideas? Thoughts?
Has DF thought about it?

Will there be an End game / Clans/Squads or something to keep players playing. An internal Axis V Allies War/campaign


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The game itself is bound to be limited. How much ww2 stuff they can pull out? We are already running on prototypes. We need innovation.


i mean if i max everything i would farm point (unless you cant after max?) just so i dont have to farm whatever they put in the game afterward


There are a zyllion sidegrades they could add, especially on vehicle side

But main idea is to just play the game cause it’s fun? Why would you grind a game you don’t find fun anyway?


There are still many vehicles they have yet to add.

There is still so much more content to add, and yes that even includes prototypes. Plus so so so many maps

They can move forward after they’ve fully exhausted WW2

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I want clans

those would be shown somewhere in the game, you could create one, join one etc. you could text with clan members and you could fight other clans, there would be voice chat in those games, those would be more strategic games, better organized etc. you wouldn’t be able to fight in regular games tho with your whole clan obviously, only clan vs clan, that would be epic.

100% fun.


Have you unlocked all squad upgrades and stat rolls?

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Well they have the exp currency that serves no use other than being an overflow to show off how much progression you would have gotten if there were any more to be had. Have fun stacking that :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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mostly yes :slight_smile:
Id just like something, like I said Clans or Allied V Axis Wars , special units/weapons… A way of retaining the Vets.
For me a clan system like WT would keep people interested and the fun value would only go up.


As someone that has all squads unlocked and all of them leveled up to max … you start to play the game not caring about XP and you enjoy it more in terms of that.


more Cosmetic Orders would be nice to earn, or atleast if you could buy it with silver. End Game Problems :rofl:


Play mods and custom games. They are more fun than normal games and there are a lot of cool ideas out there like modern conflicts and moon fights. If you have unlocked everything the lack of xp shouldnt be an problem

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Enjoy playing, not grinding.

Unlocking is not the goal. Using what you unlocked is.


After unlocking everything (completing the game), play the game and enjoy the highest score :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It’s a good question. I’ve been pushing for something like H&G, where there is a war mode. At least there would be something to do. Because once you have everything, this game turns boring real quick. And I should know… Well, custom games are a thing, but, eh…

God, I need an RTS & FPS fix. Despite me not liking H&G that much, it was unique in that respect. The only thing I got that captures some of it is Bannerlord.


Mostly waiting for new stuff to come out. But in the meantime I would maybe go back to BRII and play that to mix it up.

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enable “play all factions” and help unstack :stuck_out_tongue:


Grind more free exps for US/Japs. Since those factions will most likely get a new stuff soon.

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idk what is with the mindset that when you finish the grind it is end of game and you have nothing else to do…

just enjoy battles with your maxed out weapons/soldiers and have fun. grind should never be goal of the game.

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Im still hoping for Clan/Squad Battles…
Playing this game with no goal will get stale pretty quick.