Uniform Uniformity to quickly Identify enemies!

Please standardize ALL 4 (USA/ Japan/ German/ Russian) Army Uniforms.
Right now you have to watch for a little diamond over their heads to determine if they are allies from a distance.
They almost all have the same clothes on. Ref: white winter uniformed snipers.
It would stop a great deal of friendly fire.
Please use ONE clearly marked uniform for each army.
Thank You in Advance

Howse about a CLEAR National symbol for ALL 4 Armies → Tanks / Trucks /1/2 Tracks / Motorcycles / Planes to quickly identify them from a distance = JUST Like Real Life…




if you cant identify soldiers, then do what I did when I played verdun and just shoot everybody in front of you and ignore everybody behind you


Lol so make those customization useless? What about learning uniform from each countries?
I will say that the little diamond are more useful than the uniform, since you can see them through obstacle so there will be no surprise.

In real life mainly US put their symbol on the front. So you are not gonna see the symbol for the other 3 nation most of time.
It is best to memories what tank does enemy has.

There is already symbol on planes, but the small diamond appears before you can clearly see the symbol.

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Tanks should get random serial number and symbol from their respective country. Soldiers are pretty easy to identify: US has very dark green helmets and often tan uniforms, Ussr has often long coats and different hats or olive helmets, Germans have the most camo options but they can have also grey, brown, dark blue or green clothes. Japs are the easiest to recognize


Hummmmm, Personally I want the end of the blue allie’s symbole during battles .

More hardcore :slight_smile:

Less casual, Less ATH.

You propose the end of customisation… But a lot off players want a better customisation for all factions and all battelfieds / periods / nations (italian with italian’s stuff, idem for brit / anzac / french, etc) and campaigns.

I think you should play another game if U Just want see easily the différence btween ennemys and friends.
In Enlisted , lot off players love pea camo for S S, accurency uniform, and variéty (and unique apparence for some premium squads).


A: Friendly fire doesn’t exist
B: Outside of maybe Tunisia it’s generally super easy to tell who is who
C: Customization is cool


Except is not. The customization we have now, with “fantasy” type placeholders, and complete equipment mismatches, and bugs is a complete failure. Let’s hope that everything will change.

Apart from that I agree with everything else you said.


Didn’t say it works perfectly. Just that the ability to choose our uniforms is cool


well, in LF and mods, friendly fire does exist

but yeah, as it goes for op, lol it’s not that hard to recognize colors or models of the enemies alongside allies.

which, if you are not sure, i highly suggest you to check:

you will find each item of each faction.

( granted, there may be more than the ones in games, but at least keeps you perpare in case those items will appear. )


So deleting customization? Not going to happen for sure, except maybe only for your account


It would also be good for the uniforms to have the appropriate color/camouflage for the map to be played (we no longer have control over the map to be played), to prevent the uniforms from highlighting the soldier instead of hiding him (for example, soldiers with uniforms for snow when the map has no snow or very little snow)


What I would not like to see happen to Enlisted is for the issue of uniform customization to go to the other extreme, where the battlefield looks more like a fashion show or like Fortnite.
I think both sides should have a certain guideline so that the uniforms are recognizable as friends or enemies without having to memorize a catalog of 100 uniforms to know who to shoot (and please don’t give me the speech of “… see the little arrow above the head of each friendly player …”)

The uniforms are already easily distinguishable though.

Heck i identify planes just by their silhouette…probably played too much though