Uniform Customization Merge

Instead of having to buy a separate uniform for each map, such as Ardennes, Normandy, and Stalingrad, the proposal is to simplify it by grouping uniforms into types.

For example, we could have:

Winter uniform ( Moscow, Stalingrad, Ardennes).

Summer uniform (Normandy,Pacific,Berlin).

Desert uniform (Tunisia,el alamein in the future).

This would make it easier to choose uniforms based on the environment without having to purchase specific pieces for each location.


We have been literally saying this ever since the first open test server. I guess some kind of changes to this eternally bugged customization system is in the offing alongside the changes in the new BP.


as much i would like this oversimplification for a smoother and functional customization system.

i’m afraid that won’t happen.

because some people would still complain by seeing bathrobes guys in normandy or volkssturm elsewhere.

let alone not being beneficial for the company it self.
as you would divide even more the squads and customization needed.

you see, in enlisted, we can’t have nice things…

( let alone devs actually doing just that. so far, they failed spectacularly in every aspect regarding the customization. of course, i hope it improves and becomes better over time, but i’m having my doubts )

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i mean i wont divide the customization but the oposite, right now for germany you have to choose 5 diferent maps for customization, this would only have 3, winter maps, summer maps and the desert

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wrong person to replay to, but that’s fine.

just saw it now.

no, what i meant is, you’re reducing the customization that one would " have to " buy.

which it’s not profitable for devs.

part of the reason why you have to buy double pieces for campaigns that has the same item but for some reason do not share it upon purchase, and the different campaigns.

unless it’s a bug.

which, funny as it’s also profitable for them too.
no matter how you look at it.

so i have my fears that the customization will remain based on campaigns. ( therefore you will have to waste time to customize all of your squad for… most likely 9 campaigns in germany’s case if we consider the future )

when and if, that will change, it’s unknown to all.

i hope they will reduce it.
but i doubt they’ll do that.

Im not wasting my orders till its refined more.

…or i know it wont be

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At face value I’d also say that its more profitable for Darkflow to force us to buy the same cosmetic multiple times, but, at the same time, I bet there are a lot of people like me who would be willing to spend money in customization but absolutely refuses to spend an ungodly amount of gold just to buy the same uniform, for each soldier, for each campaing.

tell us about it…

( granted, it’s very outdated because during 2022s, we had no idea how the merge would have worked. but still. )

also, welcome to forum.

the place where nowdays people mostly fight more here than in the game.

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This is definitely a good idea and a step in the right direction. Customization as it is right now is a complete mess and needs to be optimized.

all things that have been suggested before. ( i, among few, at least made several lenghty attempts )

back when stalingrad used to be the first campaing with customization ( and we’re talking about late 2021 )

up to … no actual improvements have been made to this point.


isn’t it.

that’s the thing.

the assets are there, and i “made” an entire catalog:

yet they are not present in the base game.

i doubt they will at this point.

P.s. don’t like to brag, or take names, but legit i know majority of enlisted cosmetics like the palm of my hand. made so many experiment and new clothings too inside enlisted’s editor.

to a point where it’s making me question the reality of enlisted.

which unironically despite being a free to play where most titles banks on the customization, enlisted to this day, is the worst f2p with customization in the actual game.

i… hope it will change.
but by god it’s taking them years to get an actual proper and decent customization.

where almost everyone is giving up lol

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Bizarre to think the devs went with all the trouble of creating these assets only to never implement them.

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truly a disservice to the 3d artists / 3d modelers that actually did their job the best way they could avoiding various issues and what not.

might not be 100% historical, but sure are nice and very well close.

but then again, i suspect they don’t want to let us dress our units with premium equipment…
despite initially allowing you to dress up as some premium units.

Maybe with the Steam release they finally do something about it.


maybe enough mixed or negative reviews about it will get them on the right track.

( a bit harsh… but that’s kinda how things works around here )

Mandatory sleeve rolling for Axis soldiers is required.

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Yeah. I am saying this only. For instance it is an idiotic decision to allow only variant of the pea dot camo in Normandy while the other two are present in Berlin. Just make an Urban/Forest customization option and be done with it. Save players the unnecessary confusion.