Unequip reserve - appearance/uniform

Hi all,

Currently in game we can disarm all of the reserve squads weaponry at the click on a button. I am suggesting that this same feature be added to remove all purchased appearance items equipped in reserve squads. It is REALLY annoying having to go through not only every squad, but every soldier and every campaign just to track down uniform pieces to unequip.


I honestly wasnt aware uniforms were shared even in squads, let alone outside of the squad.

This situation occurs for example when you have a Rifleman 1 squad then unlock a Rifleman 2 squad. The first squad goes to the reserve as we use the new squad to unlock tier 2 upgrades attached to Riflemen 2. Currently if you want to take the weapons from this squad quickly, you can use the preset “remove unnecessary” or “disarm reserve”, but this option does not currently exist for uniforms. To unequip uniforms you’d have to go through each soldier and each campaign and unequip them individually. At least this is my understanding and I’d love to be proven wrong.

this is only for appearance items bought with appearance orders, not the default uniform

It is what I meant yes.

But as far as im aware, unequipping the uniform on one squad doesnt mean other squads can use those same items, even if they access to them.

Ah I see what you mean.

So far in my own experience, I’ve been able to use them on most squads. For example, I equipped my Brit assault squad with the camo jacket for Bulge then unequipped it and used it for my Brit MG squad in Normandy. I’m not sure if this works for all squads but it seems most are able to use them.

In which case yeah this seems like a great feature.

Also good to know for the future

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Also while they are at it why not let us sell cosmetics? I am in urgent need of appreance orders and i would definitely sell some unused helmets that i have.

Or they could let us buy cosmeics with silver