Ultimate Engineer Guide - Enlisted Strategy


This is gonna help out with the current chad event!


‘how to annoy your team and waste everyone’s time’

if i ever see someone do this in a match i’m spamming wp and dismantling your shit


You don’t get WP in Eastern Front campaigns though so good luck lol

average bot level player comment ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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then its flamethrower time babey

:rofl: you sit on the point and hold left click to build, i sit in the enemy’s grey zone and hold left click to kill, we aren’t the same

can’t wait until we get some decent content creators in once the game releases


Hate to say it, but I’ve tried turtling and digging and building tons of forts… It’s just not useful in this game 90% of the time, perhaps future maps will be larger and support active engineer playing, but as of now they’re just an infantry squad that can build rallies and gun emplacements that you don’t need most of the time


planning on replacing or spam around like @MajorMcDonalds ?

good luck i guess.

enlisted forum isn’t known for welcoming CCs.


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McDonalds didnt make it that hard to hate him though


You can upgrade the rally point (RP) to an armored RP. You need to build at least 2 sandbags around the RP and a landmine on top of it.

The sandbag block line of sight to the RP. It force the enemy to get close and climb over the sandbag and trigger the mine. The mine don’t destroy your structures, it only kill the enemy.

Armored rally point


I’m not spamming, this is the only video i posted here since months; i don’t need any money or subscribers, i do it for fun and to create high quality strategy guides and posted the videos to help out the reasonable majority in here.

If a persons first reaction to something serious & helpful is an automatic antagonistic negation, that’s a classical neurotic case of low self esteem and being a loser in life.

It’s even funnier how these trolls consider themselves “good” players without knowing how endless the gap between them and actually clear minded & disciplined people is; just embarrassing :smiley:

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no one is stopping you :slight_smile:

you might wanna consider Reddit for that though.

more newer people goes there reather than the forum.
( matter of fact, only like 10-15% goes actually in the forum ).

quite a projection. but ok.

ure right, im posting 1 guide there weekly, here i did it only for the event and because i know, how 99% of all players, especially the trolls, dont know how to really use engineers. people who claim that only fighting is better, are simply too slow to do both during a game.

its not a projection, its a professional diagnosis. i wrote it in normal words, so everyone can understand it and made it a bit more nicely sounding, since the clinical description hits harder for those affected.

you quite posses the twisted sense of humor.

i’ll give you that.

definitely a cc :upside_down_face:

but as i said, good luck :+1: .

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Well, Para I watch some of your videos, and ngl many takes you have are good.

But for the majority of players in here (veterans) and “good” players (as you call them) it will become unbearable in the long run to watch your videos/read your post.

Why? Because you are pompous and arrogant for the most part.

Tune it down a bit.

It’s not gonna help send a message or give advice if you maintain that “know-how” mentality and try to lecture people with what your inflated ego thinks is superior.


i appreciate your input. though, where exactly is that arrogance in my videos? i show people stuff that most players (majority, not some small minority who doesnt care about other players) dont know and i play weekly with dozens new players, helping build up the community and grow the game. i also never post bullshit like “SkilL isSuE” or other toxic stuff. 90% of all posts here are players dragging other players down or insulting them as being “bad”.

i personally dont care at all about how good some is at this or any other game, i care about how someone is as a human. and exactly this is the opposite mentality of trolls in forums who clearly dont have reasonable priorities in life and take video games too serious.

do these people get angry and butthurt if someone hurts their weak egos by revealing to them that they actually arent the nerd gods they think they are? of course and thats what they deserve if they constantly insult new players in the forums and on reddit by thinking they are better than them because they spend the last 2 years playing a game. LOL

i care about this community, contrary to the trolls, and i produce guides that help and entertain every player who is open minded and a normal, positive person.
everyone here who is an adult should know, that forums and games attract dysfunctional people who use that to boost their hollow egos. i dont mind that, at least thats some “free therapy” for those who need it, but if these trolls start arguments, ill state the truth straight ahead.

on another note: everyone from these trolls is invited to post a top tier strategy video/pdf from which i can hopefully learn new and valuable lessons. do that instead of the usual childish buffooning and show the community that you are actually capable of being productive and not only negative.


he is a chill funny guy tbh but mid content

although he can’t be blamed, it’s hard to produce quality, in depth, thought provoking content for this community since they 100% don’t have the brainpower to appreciate it

you reek of reddit

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