U.S/Great Britain dead?

Yo is U.S/Great Britain dead i just got a match where they didn’t even try to fight back?

on US server? yea seem like it

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no the faction

That’s normal

It’s not normal to me.

But, since the BP (so admittedly small sample) they definitely feel dead.

For one thing, doing randoms before the BP, I hardly even landed on the Allied side. Something like 10% or less of my matches were as the US.

Since the BP started, it’s more like 50% Japan, 35-40% American, the rest German. I don’t think I’ve played the Russians across the 15-20 games I’ve played. Maybe once.

Since I’m more commonly getting dropped into American and Japanese sides, it would stand to reason the queue times are shorter and less people are playing them.

I’m on the NA server, BR2.

I switched back to US the couple of few weeks and it’s been normal to me…

Nope i’m winning a lot more games than low BR Germany that loses all the time. I dunno about BR5 USA, played two matches and won two of them one was a easy stomp and another one pretty even match and we barely won.

It’s normal to me, an Allied main who’s played for years at this point. Since Merge, Allies have been kinda iffy on players with spurts of vets and win leeches when something new comes out. We get some easy matches for about a month or so, then it goes right back to the grind. I stopped playing BR V for a while there just because the teammates I got every single match were utter garbage. As in I’m the only one who can even touch objective a single time the entire match garbage. Repeatedly. Every day. I eventually just started playing BR II for more laid back matches that I could more easily solo and could chill and play. Less sweating, less completely incompetent teammates fighting competent Germans and near god tier Japs with their stupid brand new (at the time) paper tank and guns

When Merge first dropped, Allies sucked
When the paper tank came out, Allies sucked
Before the T20 came out, Allies sucked
Now the vet stacking is leaving for whatever faction gets their attention next
I’m sure Allies High Tier will to back to being nearly unplayable at some point. BR II’s fairly enjoyable anyways. Just don’t get my BAR. Lol

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Agreed. I play BR II squads on US and it’s usually enjoyable. Other than the Japanese maps, which I can’t stand and always seem to be full of OP sweaty Japanese teams.

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The real question is sweaty Japanese faction teams or sweaty Japanese players teams
Trick question, the answer is yes. Lol

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haha right. I try to play them but 99.9% of the time I desert after 2 mins. It seems like their LMG is OP. At least that’s what everyone uses. Maps are so poorly laid out. Zero cover. Aircraft carriers are annoying.

All the t20/hvar users have left