Out of the 24 Type Kō Rifles produced, 12 of them had a shorter barrel. Currently the one featured in the game is a Carbine as seen below:
So add the full length Type Kō Rifle to Japan’s tech tree at BR-4, give it the same fire rate as the Type Otsu Rifle (490 RPM) and a similar low recoil as the Type Hei Rifle.
Full length Type Kō Rifle:

I just found 4 of them that sold at an auction in the United States a while back: (2 Rifles and 2 Carbines)
So maybe more that 24 of these rifles we made if 4 are known have been captured and brought back to the United States and are now in private hands. I know of 1 other that’s in Springfield Armory Museum.

Anyways, I might just have to track down the buyers and make them an offer that they can’t refuse!
They should have made type hei late a tech tree weapon. The type Ko seems like an interesting and decent br4 weapon.
Agreed, theres no reason why Japan should even have gold orders to begin with, they are content starved to death.
Was gonna suggest the pedersen version too but then I thought it would be similar to type 4 but a nice gun none the less
I would very much like to see this in the techtree ever since I learned of the Japanese Perdersen action rifles from Forgotten Weapons I wanted to see them featured in a video game but much to my dissapointment all the better looking ones are premium or event weapons in Enlisted, very dissapointing.

Is that a mounting platform for a scope?
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“The left side of the receiver has a separate large sniper scope base attached with eight individual screws and two taper pins. There is no scope mount or scope, but the base itself is similar to the base used for the later Experimental Type 38 sniper scope and mount of which only a handful were actually produced.”
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Seems to me like this would be the best candidate for a Japanese semi auto Sniper unless another pops up. If you look up the Type Hei Late Sniper you will find some fictionalized version of it with a scope from an old comic series but maybe that is based on some yet undiscovered fact? I digress, This is would be a great addition if DF wants Japan to have a BRV sniper rifle.
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Give Japan scoped versions of the Type 96 and Type 99 LMGs with reduced dispersion and no dispersion penalty while moving for the sniper class.
Why not all of these? We all know Japan is starved for content and we keep getting shafted with GO and Event stuff that should be on the main tree Cough Chi-HaChi-HaKaiandallPerdersenRifles Cough
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I would love to see scoped type 96 and 99