Can’t deny that. I think it has a lot to do with the tenacity of the Japanese playerbase as well. In my opinion Japan has the smallest but the most dedicated and competent playerbase in the entire game.
At least its their only strength since other aspects of Japan sucks these days since Allies are superior at almost everything upto BR 1-3 against Japanese. When it comes to BR 5, thats when Japanese gets something superior to Allies just to have a fair match. Oh look there is nerf coming happy?
But question is when? There is no other main weapons for Japan anymore except some failed experimental or prototype.
Entire tanks sucks because of fatal shot on driver or mg ports armor profile with a mere heavy mgs, and their mgs are just pathetic. Only Ho-Ri production is good tank with good armor profile and thats it since everything else about it sucks since it has no mgs, kinda slow, fixed turret hull, and its 1 second slower than the pershing. You may say that is tank is very “ho-rible” tank lmfao.
Ho-Ri reload:
Pershing reload:
Pershing with APCR and APCBC:
All of their attack planes sucks ass because they only 1 pea shooter turret (Except D4Y1 which is also shit with 2x 7.7mm guns) with unlike Americans with both 50 cal mgs, canons and turrets. Only some fighter planes are good but not far better than Allies ones.
I will wait until this happens
Is it early BR or late BR? In early BR that I experienced playing Allies for 2 weeks, you can just farm Japanese very easily so I expect that until reaching the BR 3-5 ground, Allies will get swarmed by them since these Japanese mains have mastered the technique of map positioning and shit to beat them and also thanks to great number to players for it unlike Allies where some are bots, getting stacked since they are more spread out with other campaigns unlike Japan that has only 1 campaign which is the pacific with only 4 maps total that lets you master them way easier than Allies which has more maps. That is why im not surprised when you mentioned it. If the new Manchuria campaign comes out, then maybe we can see that either Japan does way inferior or goes superior.
Sounds like skill issue since you can do HVAR spam and call it a day lmfaoo
this is for LMG with shield that is at BR4 that comes with premium paratroopers.
japan should have never been BR5 faction. it should have been BR3 max faction cause it lacks lots of infantry weapons and tanks to actually compete against US.
Yes ik, bunch of rich people buy this paratrooper for this gun because it didn’t have sprint penalty along with good old shield lmfao. Dunno, but I think it will be a scam if they add big speed penalty because of heavy shield on it since people bought it for 35 bucks just to see its a 30 round mag turtle.
Have to remove Ho-Ri for that since its armor is good until pershing with APCR round
All selecfire BR5 rifles should have 20 round mags and kill / down in one shot.
Its pay to win - let the cheaters suffer, i don’t care.
If they can take my beloved G43K, so can they do this.
I mean paratroopers in general are pay to win, so would you support nerfing them too? I heard that 100 thompsons slaps Germany because one of my friend rant about it since its a 100 round pure laser beam gun. Maybe they should nerf that too
Nah, Thompsons in general aren’t crazy strong, personally I dare to say that PPSH 41 is the better gun.
And, I think Paratroopers need a rework not a nerf.
They are very toxic, spamming gl and such. I remember uptiering to br5 to avoid facing the Japanese
Since it is paper, can’t the devs just nerf or buff as they want. My suggestion is to add an mg, and nerf its armor to the ground
PPSH-41’s firerate sounds like a blessing but its just another curse to waste ammo on shits easily and destroy yourself and your squad with it. The drum one, yeah can agree with you on that. Best way to utilize it is to use PPD, PPS, AS-44, or Avtomat as the main gun while PPSH-41 remains as a nice house clearing gun. But if I were you, I would pick thompsons 100 more for 1 extra ppsh drum mag worth of ammo in the total ammo you carry.
Which one, the Japanese or Allies?
Japanese( do not refute me with hvar spam, hate them to but the minority of players spam them )
Nah I am refuting you on toxic hvar spam. But I doubt its minority since a lot of German mains complains on it
I know, it is toxic as hell, but usually 1 player spams it at most 2 due to limitations
I personally really don’t like the Type Hei its sights are awful the round is really underpowered
and its effective range is equally lacking.
Sure sure, maximum 3 people can spam it since they each have either 10 or 8 of them in BR 4-5.
Idk Ho Ri spamming is a lot more toxic considering they don’t have to fly back to a resupply point to fire again.
10 sec reload and easy to tntpack it up lmfao
Yeah pretty easy when one is sitting a grey zone.