Type 93 HMG has wrong negative elevation, please fix it

Type 93 HMG for IJA

this doesn’t look -15° to me

take a look at Elevation -15 / +85°
in game it has like -5 degree (depression)
While look at american .50cal HMG


it suppose to be more depressed he is still kinda happy :roll_eyes:

I think its me getting depressed when theres 5 of them chewing up allied bots. (Makes up for it)

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i think your biased because your playing the US now :grin:
did you see how much depression .50cal have on americans? that thing is like -100°

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Haha too busy trying to take objectives and knock out the 50 million japanese rallies to build a 50 cal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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i feel you :fire: :fire:

It’s -5 degree.

This one is -25 degree.


close enough , thank you

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