The Gold Weapon Type 1 SMG (1930) is worst than all the other SMGS for Japan in the Pacific Campaign, extreme amount of Recoil. Its even worst than the starter Type 100 SMG (Early). Please do a check on this as its ridiculous how a gold weapon can perform this bad compared to all other SMGs.
Nevertheless, this Gold Weapon is not worth buying and is a scam. Despite that it was advertised with a 22 vertical and 13 horizontal recoil, this thing’s recoil is insane.
If I was able to test the Gold Weapon before buying it, i would not buy it at all, easily one of the worst smgs for the Japanese.
Videos Evidence, insane recoil. Tested with other SMGs for Japan
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Would be better if you made a video where you don’t try to control recoil (because I guess you do) of those guns.
It would be far more informative.
The gold order version of the type 1 is an smg who need be used in burst fire in non cqc situation, like the zk-383 or every thompson
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Even with Burst Fire, its absolute trash, all other SMGs does way better in Burst fire and is much more accurate. I owned 3 of these and bought it because i like Japan alot, but its easily one of the worst weapons. Would not have bought it had i known it to be this trash
The Ability to test Gold Weapons should have been added, to let ppl judge and what not. You cannot snipe nor fight in longer range with these, you can with all other SMGs on Japan. S1-100 is also bad, but all other SMGs are great and i used all. Can’t comment on SIG 1920 as i am level 28 atm.
When this thing is even worst than the Starter SMG something is clearly wrong. I forgot to mention the ones i tested, were not maxed and non-upgraded, meaning when maxed, they would even be better than the Type 1 SMG
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Gonna put these on reserve until changes are made, or let us have the ability to sell them or exchange for other weapons. Its absolute trash.
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Check recoil control mult

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Sure i prefer my SIG 1920
How is that problem? There’s so many golden weapons in game that are wayyyy worse.
And type 1 smg is only worse than last 2 ones smgs in campaign. It isn’t bad weapon.
Its literally worst than the Default SMG, that thing is one of the best smgs there is
Im aware the other gold weapons is just as bad, i have almost everything. Petersan Rifle is also bad, same with the ones on Tunisia allied, the silencer thing takes 3 shots to kill someone.
Well if they are not going to add any changes, the BR for this thing should be 1.0 or one of the lowest. Im not joking when i said this thing is worst than the Default SMG, cuz it is (Default is way more accurate, even without upgrades)
Pedersen rifle is pretty decent, Enfield pedersen device is kinda trash. Feels more like long handgun than anything else. S&W rifle is trash and so on… Type 1 really isn’t bad.
Accuracy isnt relevant stat for smgs lol, I guess I understand your priorities now tho. Default smg isnt “one of the best”. I completely hated first 2 japan smgs. They felt just terribly.
Pedersen rifle has a horrible ironsight, that you can barely see. Type 100 SMG is easily one of the best smgs for Japan. Type 100 is extremely accurate, even without upgrades. I actually used it until level 25 until i get the type 2a. i can snipe ppl with it from long distance.
as i didn’t played japan that much, but with what i played, i basically only played with the type 1 gold order, it must be used similarly to the soviet smg.
few burst, or semi auto ish.
the damage is alright though.
but you can’t really compare it to a type2a.
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I like it more than garand lol, plus you have 2 more rounds.
I don’t snipe people with smgs, imho more time I am just hip firing with them.
Type 1 is just ultra mediocre smg, but it isn’t bad for sure.
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Cause the default one when full upgraded stays the best SMG in Japan until the SIG 1920 … thats all … deal with it and personnaly for farming poor bots you dont need more
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Im just gonna put it on my tankers for now sadly
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Yeah i also prefer the Arisaka 38 Rifle, the default one, i believe that one is the best rifle in game. though auto rifles are better at close range
But I agree with this. There should be option to properly try every golden order weapon before you buy it. And customs isn’t solution.
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Honestly my main gripe with the Type 1s isn’t even the recoil, but the irons; a fairly obstructed sight picture and what feels like excessive zoom in when ADS on a square aperture really doesn’t feel great.
There’s also the occasional graphical bug I have where the sight goes low-res and the aperture is blocked so I become blind, but that’s a separate issue to the intrinsic qualities of the gun itself.
Eh i used the type 2, same sights, basically the same gun, isn’t that much recoil, just put a recoil perk on and it will be fine, maybe try actually controlling it too, if you want a 0 recoil laser though the kp26 in moscow is what you’re looking for
Type 2 has a round aperture, less obstructive, but also has way less recoil than the Type 1. I dislike the Type 1 where I love the Type 2.