Tutorial_ammunition_box_a and tutorial_placed_medic_box_item no longer working

You can see that tutorial_ammunition_box_a would not show up in live server battles anymore even if they show up in editor

In live server:

Same happens to tutorial_placed_medic_box_item.

In live server:
(I will take the photo later, but you know what happens)

This is the same case as the orders - they can be called in editor but wont show up in live server

Does anyone has a fix for the ammo and med boxes? My mod wont work now

that would explain why i couldn’t refill my ammo from my own ammo truck.

either the template code has changed, or it simply wont work because something else was changed.

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This is very strange, it works fine for me If you want, share the ammunation box code you use and see what the problem is.

By the way, this is the code I use.

  transform:m=[[-1, 0, 5.32734e-09] [0, 1, 0] [-5.32734e-09, 0, -1] [1688, 7.17162, -698.804]]

Be aware that if that ammunition box is left outside of Battle Area, it will automatically disappear.

I don’t know why, but while I can buy a limited number of ammunition for some weapons, it is unlimited for others, so I can buy as much ammunition as I want.

Here is the screen recording of it

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Ohhh mine is reversed.
My base template is the ammo box building itself (tutorial ammo box first)
And yours is calling the base fortification first and the ammo box is just an attribute

Because you have some issue with your custom weapon’s max ammo capacity or it just looking for the wrong ammo type (i believe that it checks if you have more than x of ammo type A but it actually refills ammo type B, so you can infinitely refill)

I think there is an attribute you can tweak in the properties tab to make it survive the battle area.

Wait, it dont work too.
Is the map you showed here compiled before the first test server (live server client <

I suspect that it might be something to do with the compilation program. Because i noticed that my old version might still be working (i think i booted to an old version last night and i thought your codes worked)

@KRIEGSVERBRECHER Can you help by packing your working mod again in the editor and upload a draft to test this theory out?

The current version of the game I use is 0.6.1 23

There may be such an error on the test server. This error may occur while compressing the mod, it may occur while uploading it to the site, or it may occur when we try to download the mod from within the game.

Here is the screenshot of the version I just installed for testing.

It works without any problems. This may be an error on the 2nd test server. You can test it or send me the file so I can compress it and share it with you, so we can know that there is no error in the game on your PC.

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Nope i used both mod editor’s modpacker.exe to pack the mod i updated for next version. Also i used the main server client to test since test server doesn’t allow mods to be launched on the server (i haven’t tried test server local)

Oh its so classic
So here’s what i found
In live server - local game, ammo box and medkit box and stuff all work fine:

However its not the case for live server - public game:

Even my engineer resource resupply box disappear too

  transform:m=[[0.161721, 0, -0.447439] [-0, 0.475769, 0] [0.447439, 0, 0.161721] [377.069, 11.1571, -333.638]]

What they have in common is the paid_ammo_box_ressuply and
paid_medkit_box_use, which has things to do with the zombie event.

@Bazsi37 any ideas? You might know what the devs changed since last minor update

I’ve checked Nuketown 2 days ago, and everything was fine?

  transform:m=[[-0.803144, 0, -0.595785] [0, 1, 0] [0.595785, 0, -0.803144] [-19.2476, 56.5858, -1414.94]]
  transform:m=[[-0.232909, 0.0160679, 0.972366] [-0.00453463, 0.999835, -0.017608] [-0.972488, -0.00851037, -0.232797] [1.5813, 57.2024, -1363.01]]

is it local (1 player setting) or public?


How, whats wrong with my codes then

  transform:m=[[0.347486, 0, -0.729748] [0, 0.808256, 0] [0.729748, 0, 0.347486] [388.747, 11.0619, -355.2]]


It turns out it was my stupidity again:

I called the wrong gun in my entities.blk and this breaks everything related to paid_loot_points other than paid_loot_items
But i cant get it, how is it related to the disappearance of those boxes