
Just a question to the community, is there anybody playing in the Tunisia campaign regularly, or even at all? I for one haven’t had one single game there since the merge.


Barely ever
And I’m in the basically permament BR2 germany shadow realm
I miss Tunisia.


Something tells me the Dev’s are fazing Tunisia out :thinking:. I too miss Tunisia.

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Germany BR 1 but you have to face BR3 USA. 4:10
or sometimes with BR2 USA i have the chance. 3:10

since i changed to BR2 Deutschland i get it very very rare 1:10
since i changed USA to BR3 i never did get it

I got a couple Tunisia matches today but I feel like the diversity of the maps is not consistent.
Most of the times I got the Kahif cave village with confrontation gamemode and even tho I love Tunisia, I can’t be bothered to play that awful map.

Is that the game mode where you end up sprinting 250m backwards and forwards until one side gives up?

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Beezer that’s the one :astonished:

I get tunisia almost never anymore.
Not in USA BR2+3+4. Never tunisia.
Many ppl miss tunisia, so do I, there were already several topics made about this.
A response/information from devs about problem this would be much appreciated.

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Almost never, it really sucks, I miss it

I have all my stuff set at BR I & II as well, I got so board with all the Not Tunisia maps, from former campaigns I never really cared for I just switched to Japan for the past couple weeks


Are you listening to this Dev’s? We would like Tunisia back, please :+1:


I hope so, but I doubt it.
Several topics about this problem were already made, but never answered by devs.
I am sick and tired of nearly always getting normandy.
Getting random maps is already bad, but when ‘‘random’’ is not really ‘‘random’’ it’s even worse.
This game is useless to me when it’s giving the same damn maps over and over again, every f*cking day.
I looked at my replay page (again) and see this (again) in my last 25 battles:

17 x normandy
7 x pacific
1 x tunisia

That says it all.
If somebody does not see that this is a problem, sorry, but he must be blind.

Maybe the game wants me to play other factions too.
But I dont so it’s punishing by giving the same maps every day.
I only play USA because I am stupid and stubborn and that wont change.

BTW if the random doesnt get fixed, at least add some new maps ffs.
If not, this game is going out of the window soon.
Adding “battle of the bulge” was a joke because it’s only 1 or 2 maps.
They want us to play all factions, get all research tree stuff, do events, spend money…all that but just a few maps available…??
I can already find my way in those maps with my eyes closed.
Yeah thanks but no thanks, I’ll pass.

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They should remove Normandy and battle of the bulge from low Queue

But Tunisian maps are so bad they should definitely not be in high BR queue. Gaddafi cave village is literally the worst map in whole game.


I just played a Tunisia match yesterday. The event challenge with the headshots got me to go back to Germany at BR II and I made 3 sniper squads and got a Tunisia match right away. It was the cave village map, which is not the best for snipers but I still got like 30 head shots during that game.

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I know it’s not going to happen but, I’d love to bring the game back before the merge. Ok, the balance could be a bit tough at times but at least you could pick your preferred campaign :+1: