Tunisia, a through analysis of how to not do a campaign

StuG IV has better armor than Pz IV, and it does has a top mounted MG

Vicker and Jhonson: hold on there pal

And I don’t remember German MG are as accurate compared to ally one or the high RoF matter with 50rnd drum

STuG IV, just like Stug III has huge weak spots of 80mm flat armour, which is the same thickness as pz IV H/J frontal armour.

Well guess what, stug III does not have it in game.

Furthermore War Thunder does not have any StuG IV model, so this exact model won’t be in Enlisted anyway.

The best you can hope is for StuH 42 with its 105mm assault gun, that could be a great counterpart to a 105 Sherman.

Vickers is only for the british paratroopers so it is not in the unlocks anyway. Also Johnson cannot face the germans, and guess what it has the same rate of fire as the MG42 but a… 20 rounds mag. So why are you complaining about ? As far as I know 50 or even 75 rounds are still better than 20…

Pz IV turrets are only 50mm

You asked about RoF like they ever matter for a LMG in this game, the M1919A6 has 100rnd with 600rpm, and that thing is laser accurate with almost no recoil

The new update should hopefully solve most of these issues anyway.

They are still turrets. I have completed the US Normandy campaign, and I never encounter any stug anyway. The premium wall does not matter because it came out at the same time as the firefly, which I see quite a lot. Casemate tank are bad in this game anyway.

I mean yeah that the point of an LMG. I have played the MG34 quite a lot in Berlin, it’s a very good weapon. Germany has a lot of very good LMG, the MG34 75rd and MG15 being the best. But it also has excellent assault rifles (STG, MP43, MkB…) and excellent select fire rifle (FG42 I/II) and excellent SMG (Kiraly, Beretta). The US have the M2 carbine which a good close quarter weapon, and their SMG are clearly not as good as german assault rifle (Thompson have terrible dispersion and sight), the only weapon that is superior to their german equivalent is the M1919A6. So, you basically ask for a comparable weapon, then what advantage will have the US in the infantry weaponry department over the German ? Because yeah the game is about balance, not getting all best weapon in the world for one faction only.

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Bruh, M2 carbine is a do everything AR in this game viable in all range and specially good at CQC because it has a bayonet, the US shotgun is better than the SMG they have, the US semi auto is better, except M1 Carbine, the US plane has just no competition, the US tanks are pretty great for Jumbo and ok for 76w and M4A2 76

The US is not the only enemy the german is fighting with, the soviets has everything better than the US has in this game

I don’t give a damn about soviet vs german. I want balance between US and Germans. Germans have been stomping bots in berlin for the past six months anyway. Germans have way better tanks than everyone else already (Tiger II H lol) and their plane are really good and US rocket have been nerfed.

The M2 is good. But if I want a CQC weapon I would go for assaulter. The german STG is very good as an assaulter weapons, but thompson sucks. FG42 is good at everything while M2 is not, even though it is probably better than FG at CQC.

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You unironically go for assaulter with a subpar SMG that sounds like a you issue, despite that what did the US has for SMG in WWII? the best they have was M1928 Thompson with 50rnd drum

FG42 isn’t goot at everything, still prefer StG44 and M2 Carbine over it, BAR is FG42 but better since you carry more ammo by default, hell the AVT40 exist and that thing itself is just Wunderwaffen in this game and beat FG42 in everyway except RoF and mag size

And indeed it does not - the German APHE is far and away superior to the allied AP, and obliterates the allied vehicles.

The shortcoming of the F2 is that it has relatively thin armour

This is not in Normandy, but in Tunisia. No one care about Tunisia, it is just a bot farm and is not fun for anyone.

The best western allied smg being the lanchester 50 rounds anyway.

Still not as good as german’s assault rifle but ok I guess.

Hum… What ? BAR has both important recoil and dispersion for being classified as an MG. FG42 II has basically no recoil and low dispersion being a “semi-auto rifle” according to the game. And I am not even mentionning the sniper FG42 II.

Is this weapon for the US ? No, so I absolutly don’t care. This argument is not relevent because this is about US vs german weapon. I don’t give a damn about germany “suffering” when fighting against soviets.

I am not saying that the M2 carbine is bad, because it is a very very good weapon. The issue is that the US can only rely on this one and on the M1919A6, they don’t have the luxury of having a very good LMG (MG34/15 75 rounds), an excellent assault rifle (STG), a extremly versatile rifle (FG) and a sniper weapon that can turn into a room cleaner (FG sniper) all of them at the same time. Still german main are crying for better MG while US does not even have a single assault rifle and don’t have any equivalent to the FG42 sniper. Guess that their equipement cannot cope with their skill issue.

did they even have one? I cant think of any assault rifle. BAR and Johnson closest thing i can think of

Thompson drum mag 50 rounds nuff said end of story
Bang bang skeet skeet vanilla face

Look, I have a crazy idea, imagine the BAR changes it’s class from MG to AR…


of course then they would lower its damage though.

Sniper Johnson??? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sniper colt m1911


The real iasue is US never developed a proper AR till Vietnam War, their SMG sucks because their effort are making a cheaper thompson and not a better SMG

You must be stupid enough to think FG42 sniper is better somehow when its dispersion is anything but a sniper rifle lmao, and Yes BAR is FG42 but better because the AI know how to use it, is accurate, has more ammo and little recoil, FG42 has more recoil when shooting it automatically which I learned to not do that, same with the BAR, I never treat it as a LMG but a faster semiauto rifle

The US has great shotguns, use that instead, they are better than SMG in their role

Germans fights soviet too so you don’t get that priviledge of ignoring it

And M2 Carbine is better than StG44s, M2 has like .22 dispersion while StG44 has double of that, both do the same damage and M2 is faster + a bayonet, m2 has little recoil and you can easily manage that when shooting long range, the only downside is the iron sight, which is something you get use to

huh, the OP does make good point on equipment progression being kinda shite. though, i’m not sure if fixing the gear progression (and what gear exist) would fix the main issue of (almost) no one play axis in tunisia… i don’t think it’s impossible, i’m just doubtful that it will be enough.

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Tunisia itself suffers from the same core issues that later moskau designed maps and progression did to ruin the campaign.

Bad map design with alot of open vulnerable distance to cross, paired with an armour powercreep that makes tanks immune to other tanks and AT guns.

You have huge open maps with just a single houserow with 50 meter distance to hop through, while uncrackable tanks and defenders are sitting on spots that can look 200+ meter far through the open, resulting in an absolute meatgrinder that is not fun to play out.

New moskau reworks such as Monestry or even new maps such as coalmine have the exact same problem.
You can’t fight tanks and heavy MG constructions on distance with infantery, while you have to cross 100-200meter open field where everyone can shoot you from anywhere, with no proper ability to flank cause everything is open field.
This gameflow makes it not fun to play, since you basically pray that a plane coordinated with an airstrike is going to crack something so you open a flank to play from.

The rest of the game is just 5-10 minutes of throwing smokes en masse and just praying, until the plane opens something up.
That is neither fun to play as, nor to play against.

This is why I would consider Moskau and Tunisia borderline unplayable right now, and looking at the new Pacific map with the big shipwreck, I am really afraid that the Pacific will be completely ruined by bigger content patches the exact same way since it already is quite on the edge with the same problems.

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Why do some players want every piece of equipment or weapon to be a mirror-image of the opposing team? History was “imbalanced”, you need to change your playstyle depending on what gear you have on hand.

Stop trying to make everything a 1:1

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