Traditional BRII Semiautomatics for USSR and Allies

While the Japanese and Axis have the Type Hei and the Armaguerra, 10+ hitpower half capacity Semiautomatics at BRII, the USA only has the M1 Carbine which trades hitpower for high capacity. And the Soviets don’t have any BRII semis. So I suggest the Remington Model 8 for the USA at BR II, with 10 base hitpower and a five round fixed internal mag, and for the Soviets, the SKT-40, a short Carbine of the SVT 40 with much higher recoil and a lower damage of 11 base hit power. If you have other suggestions of BRII full power semi autos for USA and USSR please let me know.

Svt 38 exists for s0viets

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There are bunch of semi-autos that soviet can get for BR2 my fav. is SKR a competitor to SKS
It has 5 round integral mag
Anyhow I think allies are OK but nonetheless M1922 Bang rifle would be the one i’d go with
It has 6 round


A remington model 8 for both the soviets and americans would be fine enough. I believe russians got model 8s during WW1.

You could give the Americans a BR3 version or a model 81 with a 10 round police model magazine and a BR4 version with a 15 round police model magazine.

15 round magazine police model
10 round magazine


It’s br 3 afaik

I’d give the americans a br3 30 round version because that’s a mirror for the VG1-5; pair it with the MG15nA for the germans;

as much as people seem to hate it, I’m not sure DF is really able to cope with the demands of Asymmetrical gameplay, that requires a sense of fine tuning that isn’t possible if you have premium vehicles/squads and free2play gimmicks.