Can someone tell me what the roof strength of the Tractor factory is? I mean, 70% of the roof is missing, but for some reason, my plane bombs have trouble penetrating it? I know a plane bomb has trouble penetrating a grass hut or any other type of roof, but if a tank round can go through a through a window and kill everyone inside, why do my bombs struggle to go through a missing roof?
Bombs do not go through terrain that isn’t destructible, sadly (or thankfully?)
There’s many holes in that roof though, and a good pilot once really surprised my squad when a 250kg went just through one of those to land 1m away at my feet…
Normally you have to dive bombing to avoid the steel beam
The kinetic energy of the falling bomb does not transfer during a collision.
It doesn’t matter how big a bomb is, the bomb will stop at the first thing it came into contact with. For example if the bomb you’ve dropped struck a tree, it will stay at the coordinates of the collision point until in detonate. Bombs don’t skip, ricochet or penetrate any surface, the physics simulation for the bomb only deal with their falling phase when they fall parabolically toward the ground.
I haven’t seen canon HE rounds going through any wall or roof that isn’t made of leaves like the huts in the Pacific. The only non-destructible wall that can be penetrated is made of wood, but only AP or APHE from 75 mm cannon and up can penetrate it.
Game engine limitation probably. Gaijin tried destructible environments on dagor in WT, didn’t really work.
Same thing happens even if the bomb hits a plane, which is funny as it will just float there for a while.
To be honest, I have to ponder your analogy of a bomb getting stuck in a tree theory. If that were the case, and bombs carry no kinetic energy, how did the Allies destroy all those Nazi war factories? Obviously, those factories had roofs over their heads, or were the Nazi’s just nice enough to leave all their stuff outside for the Allies to bomb? In Enlisted, you can only destroy targets that are outside. No, IMOP Dark Force is to lazy to take the time to do the various and proper calculation damage a bomb would make, just as they’re to lazy to make a proper game bot. Same with a Tank, as a tank round is going through a wall, with or without a window.
How far it, and bombs penetrate are the calculations DF needed to do, which they didn’t, and once DF makes a mistake, how often do they fix them? Not often from my experience and if they do it takes forever. It’s frustrating, but it’s a video game, an arcade video game with very little realism.
You can also kill people inside the tractor plant with artillery, so apparently they have no problems penetrating the missing roof.
BTW, even if a bomb got stuck in a tree, when it detonates, it’s most likely killing the tree, and everyone around that tree.
This is just a problem with enlisted not having a destructable envirorment.
If you really want bombs to carry kinetic energy to penetrate stuff then be prepared for bombs to fall through the map in proper DF fashion, and exploding in the void, makeing them useless.
Or them digging themselfs a few meter into the soil (which they could IRL), making their fragmentation kinda useless and even containing the explosion itself.
i know, it’s just a video game.
You can shoot through the roof with airplane cannons however…at least you could for a bit recently (i haven’t played the map in a while)
I don’t play with my planes much there since I know DF has basically rendered them useless if there is anything resembling a roof. I only get in my plane if there is a tank that has pissed me off, then I get in my plane and go tank hunting. However, while I am in the plane, I will make a few runs and drop bombs on the cap points, which the vast majority of them the roof is gone, and much to my dismay, I don’t get many kills, which is ridiculous IMOP. DF doesn’t care though, if they did they would have made some effort to correct it. And it’s not like I haven’t figured out when to bomb, I have about 12,000 kills in the ten months I have been flying, so I know I am not missing all the time.
Bombs seem to have been bugged/severely nerfed recently
I love shooting people trying to defuse bombs on tractor plant through the roof, its so toxic xD