Tracking updates coming to the game 2024

This is for tracking things announced, talked about being implemented by the devs and in design stage (aka Soon™), and things that have been spoken about and forgotten/abandoned. This is meant to help be more of a resource for the year of 2024 to help others keep up with future updates.

This year:

  • Soviet vs Japan (confirmed before Keo left)
    Likely the same “Battle Area” on the most recent roadmap. In development for at least 4 months.

Forgotten? Abandoned? :

  • Tank Decals by country (dev team recently reminded, was basic blue Star for USA, Red Star for USSR, German Cross, Japan rising sun)

  • Abandoned veteran soldier concept, leaving each squad with extra squad points. Will potentially be revisited.

  • Custom match equipment selector was promised but never delivered (Edit)

  • Japanese/USSR APC event, Promised but forgotten about. (Edit)

No ETA (Soon™):

  • Allies and Japanese combat engineers event
  • New Map
  • New Class
  • Join any faction bonus
  • Preferred map system
  • Keyboard and mouse support for console
  • Improved controller aim assist
  • Invite friends to ongoing battles
  • Option to postpone boosters
  • New Battlefield
  • Matchmaking desertion penalty
  • Changing Soldier voice

No ETA (Very Soon™):

  • Improved silver gain
  • Reduced grind for tech tree
  • Research point cap conversion
  • High Tier BR AT guns (buildables)
  • New UI tutorial
  • QOL improvements (UI)
  • Veterans Box
  • Battle hero silver reward

Potentially coming:

  • Clans
  • Global chat in menu

Later posts will be edited to update this list as new information is available. I’m sure this is not everything but this is just to get the ball rolling to help players track various things coming to the game. If I missed anything feel free to add below, I’ll update as I see things.


Custom match equipment selector was promised but never delivered


I had completely forgotten about that, Guess that’s easy to do when there’s so much on the table and things are silently forgotten about or shoved under the rug

Don’t forget about APC event for Soviets and Japan. I guess devs forget.

same thing

All of the proposed additions sound promising but they should bump the global chat and clans with ladders to priority number 1

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There’s a lot of things they should make priority number one, And honestly a lot of those things should have come before this game even launched on steam let alone left its beta period.

  • Japan as a faction was launched in a sorry state, lacking many of the things they needed to properly fight another faction. (Thankfully it’s mostly if not completely solved now Aside from AT and mortars)

  • Clans and general pre match chat (huge deal to many, should have existed pre merge)

  • Silver reaching pre merge level (should have been a thing the day of the merge)

  • Major condensing of faction tech trees (not removing but foldering a lot of items, especially axis)

  • Voices/choice of nationality (should have been a thing way back in the alpha)

That’s just a few things that should have been priority number one, but we know how little Gaijin gives DF in terms of manpower. And the priorities the developers have had, I don’t expect much to change. Most of these if not all will eventually come around but it will take many years. At least at the rate they’re going with having staff taken away for war thunder.

Yeah I agree with you for the most part especially with regard to global chat and clan ladders. I couldn’t believe Enlisted didn’t have those features when I first started playing a few months back. I believe if they incorporate a good clan system coupled with chat and ladders/tournaments they will double the player base

If they did clan ladders, that would be an easy way for them to incorporate rewards.

Some of those rewards can be:

  • Silver (in various amounts depending on your rank)

  • Appearance orders ( in more then the 15 or 20 they give, More like 50+)

  • Cosmetics (good entry level reward, and a decent way to reincorporate something they tried once and immediately abandoned This should be more than 6 stupid hats)

  • Decals

  • Vehicle camos

  • upgrade orders

That’s just a few of the things off the top of my head that they could add. This could be either reach a certain rank and unlock an item, or reach a certain rank by the end of the season and unlock the reward. One things for certain they definitely should refresh the ladder every battle pass season. This way they can offer fresh rewards.

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