Toy tanks

“It would be interesting if gaijin paid more attention to the armored vehicles in the game. It’s disappointing to see a Panther being completely disabled by a handheld rocket that carries 5 units and has the ability to reload in seconds with the aggressor on the move, or a demolition package being enough to incapacitate a Tiger 2. Additionally, the game limits us to having only 2 tanks per match on an extremely small map.”


This is very well done. If tanks were not such easy targets for infantry, players would drive tanks with impunity. And if a tank leads among the infantry, it is an easy target.

As for the map, you set a poor example because Berlin’s defenders are supposed to defend a point, not run around the map.

Tanks get stuck way too easily. There are lots of map assets like the flak 88s, trenches and double trees that tanks cannot drive over and it makes them annoying to use

Compared to some low-quality games, driving in Enlisted is pure pleasure.

It would be easy fix if they would just make some of the objects destroyable. I see no reason why a double tree needs to be undestroyable while normal trees get destroyed

Driving is not the problem. What I really dont like is that every tank is a glass cannon.

You either destroy it in 1- 2 shots or you can shot it for eternity.

But its obvious that they will not change it, cause it is copied from WT.

Personally I’d like to increase survivability of tanks but I’m not sure how to do it. Especially since certain part of community gets a stroke each time someone tries to buff a vehicle.

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How to do it = build tanks from steel not from glass.

It’s ridiculous to advance with a heavy armored vehicle, historically a tank demon on treads, being blown up with just one, just one demolition packet in the track region, or then being surprised by a lunatic running with a bazooka bigger than him, shooting and reloading in seconds. Let’s balance this game then? What do you think about increasing the speed of armored vehicles to 130 km/h and making them reload in 2 seconds? There’s no way to get a World War II vibe seeing a soldier being riddled with a machine gun, taking only hits and not caring to rush and still managing to disable it with just one shot in the most protected area of the vehicle. The maps are already limited, another thing that only ruins the gaming experience, what’s the logic in this? Has it turned into a battle royale? Do I have to watch out for the safe zone? If the objective is to limit the map, put physical objects at once… and I don’t believe I’m the only one who agrees that the maps are mostly extremely small, often limiting us from formulating strategies.

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Honestly, I’d love to see a test server run this sort of scenario just to kill this recurring thread.

I suspect decent tank mains would get several hundred kills and infantry would become obsolete.

Tanks do die and it feels bad but if they didn’t the game would be broken.

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The one that annoys me most, is trying to drive APCs over a rail way line.

its infuriating lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Warthunder Tanks also have ACE crew and Crew HP mechanics, that do make a noticable difference. I dont think any enlisted crews can get HP perk

Also Mouse Aim makes it easy to pinpoint shoot.

I think it was postscriptum??? where you had to traverse and elevate with keyboard, not mouse. Made it a bit more difficult to fine adjust (not saying i want that back by the way lol)

Oh yeah that is the worst! Especially with smaller ones like universal carrier

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The basic logic is that armored vehicles are armored, and the infantry is composed of soldiers with anti-tank cannons capable of running, shooting, and reloading in seconds, engineers with the ability to create a cannon, destroy it, and rebuild it, all in seconds, bomber planes that easily destroy a tank, anti-tank mines that render any armored vehicle useless. What truly becomes obsolete are heavy and medium tanks being completely blown up by a demolition package thrown at the tank’s wheels, not to mention light tanks, which are currently truly useless. Besides, there’s the fact that there’s no tank that can withstand a good enemy combat strategy.

In conclusion, the only benefit of a tank is its armor, its ability to withstand shots, and to support the infantry, something that doesn’t seem to be respected in Enlisted.

See, the problem is that tanks are effective in Enlisted. If things got changed to match your suggestion then they would dominate at a completely unreasonable level.

Make it so that a team can only spawn 3 - 4 tanks ever in a match (I mean total for the whole match) and then your suggestion might have merit.