Hello, since the addition of the pac on enlisted I wondered if it would be possible for it to tow the anti-tank guns which had already been built at the start of the map to bring them back to the front

Hello, since the addition of the pac on enlisted I wondered if it would be possible for it to tow the anti-tank guns which had already been built at the start of the map to bring them back to the front
It would be nice if the anti-aircraft guns could be towed and moved as well.
Mmmmm 3” gun
You can do this in Post Scriptum, or Squad 44 as they’ve renamed it now. It works in that game because maps are much larger and based off the actual ground the battle took place on. Running between objectives takes a very long time (ie you’ll miss the fight if you do) so coordination is required between infantry and transport in this case. The downside is that the games last much longer - generally 30-45 min per match.
So you actually have some time to prepare and set up defences. The attacking and defending sides have to coord in game as to where they will concentrate to attack/defend accordingly.
The game has a range of vehicles incl scout cars of all kinds precisely so each team can find each other and engage accordingly. The games “were” are ? ticketed and timed (I haven’t played in a bit) so you do need to get a move on to capture the objectives in a given timeframe.
In Enlisted the games are too short and the infantry + spawn point teleportation does not permit you sufficient time to move / tow the AT (perhaps even the AA) gun. The limbering process would be akin to fixing your tank, you’d have to run around the limber vehicle and most likely be overrun by the time you got your gun attached.
They should make it moveable by the squad that spawned it though so you could at least turn it or adjust it in elevation given that AT guns have no depression.
There are plenty of vehicles strewn about the maps that your squads can utilise for movement between objectives, so there is no reason the maps are so small and cluttered other than getting a result in 15-20 min…
I guess that will be the next call, which the devs have to make - what sort of attention span does their playerbase have - are they Dory or Nemo…
Not practical
They will end up xp pinatas