Totally ridiculous anecdote that just happened to me

I go into my first game of the day with a 100% experience card and find myself up against a team of headless chickens who can’t even manage to take the first point in invasion.

I leave the game because the useless ones lost 400 reinforcement points in just 4 minutes, and when I enter another game I find a team that didn’t let me do anything because they won in 3 minutes ._.

Is the urban myth about exp cards true?

Was it black magic?

Do the developers have a broken sense of humor?




this is just average enlisted experience. you are just paying attention on those matches cause you get exp booster.


The bad thing about this game is that it doesn’t let you remove the cards, if you leave it takes them away from you along with points, in short there is a 20/80 chance of using one of those cards well.

And to top it off, they have an expiration date.

I don’t think you should really psyche yourself out so much. At the end of the day, the boosters are kinda meaningless
Just play the game because it’s fun, not because you are grinding

The problem is that it’s not fun… The place where they are supposed to be good (br v) they are worse than players just starting out in br1.

So… What’s left for this game?

It is indeed black magic (I hate confrontation and other environments that are not one-sided attacks)

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The suffering of 30% of hard-working players and the parasitic behavior of about 70% of casual groups who cannot protect themselves

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i that feel bro.

Everybody knows
This is a slightly more casual game (compared to other highly competitive games)
It is still essentially a (war) themed (team) (PVP)
This means that players should understand that those so-called (spam) (camping) (equipment differences) are part of war and something they must fight and exploit.
And players should rely on (cooperation) and (fighting hard) to get a better experience
Instead of selfishly and passively refusing to confront and stay away from what is killing you.
Until the game is over and start crying everywhere that these behaviors or camps are toxic

But I want to tell a joke
Compared with implementing skill isolation and low ranking penalties to fundamentally solve the proliferation of selfish and incompetent players
They are more inclined to protect those environmental poisonous insects

Officials believe they must make the game mechanics more suitable to protect the above-mentioned groups that are obviously harmful to the environment
(Everyone already understands that it is impossible to ask this group to build a respawn point or actively fight.
The group even refused to leave the very thing that was killing them
Are they really worth protecting?)

To be honest
I believe that not many serious or paying players are willing to play in such a bad environment for a long time
Because the result of all their efforts and money is to become hosts for those parasites
Since the merger
Most of the serious and paying players I know have quite a few quit the game because of this terrible environment.
The rest basically choose to rely on teamwork to protect themselves

Sooner or later this game will be poisoned by this rampant negativity

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