FG 42 II unlocks at campaign level 21,
and FG 42 and M2 carbine unlocks at campaign level 23.
FG42 II Requires 1,656,500 exp, and Both FG 42 and M2 carbine Requires 1,944,500 exp.
These 3 weapons need enormous amount of efforts to gain.
If you try to gain those by Golds, each weapon requires about 45200 Golds which is about 350USD.
what needs less recoil is the m1 carbine, that thing is almost useless because it does far too little damage for the amount of recoil it has
the m3 grease gun has a FOURTH of the recoil but has 0.6 points less hit power, while being full auto
hell, the ross rifle and the lee enfield have less recoil than the m1 carbine, and those have bullets with close to THREE TIMES THE ENERGY
the FG42 having that much recoil makes sense, it shoots 7.92x57mm mauser and those have near 4000J of energy per bullet
yet in game somehow the FG42 has far less recoil than the m1 and m2 carbine which shoots 7.62x33mm (.30 carbine)
please at least reduce the recoil on the carbine, it only has 10 vertical recoil less than the garand but uses bullets that are less than HALF as powerful
Part of it comes down to weapon weight. LMGs (even the lighter ones like the BAR and FG42) have so much weight that their recoil is actually very light. Although its still ridiculous that the grease gun has a quarter of the recoil of the m1 carbine even though they shoot a similar round (energy wise)
I got them a few on the field and tested my self from one of those money whales, they are fine, and far often manageable.
Unfortunately, I do not know which rifle upgrades they were.
I just unlocked today the sniper lvl2 squad with the gewehr 43 with scope. So It’s gonna take me a while to achieve the FG.
The m2 it’s slightly better than the hyde
But its just an opinion and first impression of those weapons. so I suggest to find who actually have the m2. And when I’ll get the FG. I’ll give a full in depth feedback.
But as I said, as first impressions, they do not need nerfs.
But, I agree that those shouldn’t be end tier weapons. They are not so special after all. Talking for the fg, I was expecting to get them along side the mortar squad as they are supposed to be the 3rd paratrooper mortar battalion.
i got no idea about fg 42 but using carbine over m1 g is what I call stupidity.
currently carbine has no use at all. garand is better in each in every situation.
i literally have 7 carbine in stock which I got randomly and I’m ready to throw if devs does rework. I’m just hoping for rework.
my every trooper has m1g.
haven’t tried m2 carbine yet. but looking at recoil point, I think is same. just 66 and 54 or something like that. no difference.
Due to more efficient muzzle reducer and two-stage scroll buffer, FG42 should have less recoil than many weapons which use fully powered cartridge, espically Bar, which is famous for its high und uncontrollable rocoil.
As far as I can tell the “Vertical” component of recoil is actually muzzle rise - which is a torque reaction and not what most people think of as recoil - you can get considerable muzzle rise from low power rounds - eg pistols generally have a lot of muzzle rise.
The M1 carbine has little felt recoil - they do not shove back into the shoulder much - and that is why it has a low “Horizontal” recoil value. But it has pretty much as much muzzle rise as larger rifle just because of its physical arrangement - probably especially less weight at the muzzle to resist it