Too much difference between player ranks

Good afternoon, I would like to ask how widespread my problem is. Almost every battle my allies have a much lower rank than my opponents. This is quite a hindrance to the game, not to mention the fact that my win percentage is only 30, although I seem to play quite well, almost always in the top 5. So, how common is this problem is there any way to solve it?
P.S Oh yeah, my suggestion would be to change the bloody player selection system.


All the Vets and grinders are on Germany right now, Soviets are competitive at top tier, but i hear they suffer at lower BR’s. If you’re ever interested in Germany i suggest you start grinding them now, just two months ago, Allies were curb stomping Germany.


There is currently a large bias in the number of players among the factions, and the Allies and Soviets are chronically short of veterans.


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A game’s rank alone does not mean that a player is good. It just proves that he plays a lot.
Ranking is weak. I meet marshal-ranked players in the mechs and they close the tables. But the fact is that most of the players you meet with the rank of dreamer are usually beta testers who are faithful to the game, or are just casually grinding for money for equipment.

Personally, I’m annoyed by the fact that more and more players have lasers and not automatic weapons. And it’s not a game mechanic because I have soldiers made to control weapons and I don’t achieve the same concentration as some players and it’s not only for players with Asian nicknames.

And you play in the U.S. Army all the time these days.
You are doing a good deed by leading these new recruits who don’t know how to fight, and you are contributing to the team’s victory.
Like Sergeant Elias in “Platoon.”

I crushed you several times as part of the evil vet stack Japanese army. :smiling_imp:


It is a great victory to lead a group of unranked trainees, privates and soldiers to destroy a group of generals :slight_smile:


Damn! 鬼畜米英に味方する非国民めっ!
Next time I see you, I’ll be sure to defeat you!


Absolutely correct, playing as access two months ago was absolutely abysmal and miserable. Now it is quite the opposite and it is not fun, I am not a fan of stomping the enemy team multiple games in a row. I want to have good fun games, regardless of whether I win or lose, regardless of whether or not, I have lots of kills or not.