Can yall give the Koreans and Chinese Chinese voice lines.
it depends which you one you played.
there’s the @PrivateRyan44
and then @VenomUlfric ones ( hill 266 ) ( pork chop hill ) ( battle of seoul )
None of them have Chinese voice lines at least not on the UN side
well, it’s then often best to leave comments underneath the mod it self.
or contact the mod creator
( nothing wrong with a thread either. but you gotta hope someone like me or the actual creator stumbles upon and notice it ).
Almost of korra war mods dont have chinese voicelines because ch voicelines was launched just some months ago…
very true, but they have been recorded like ages ago, for the Chinese version of the game
What do you mean?
The only Chinese I understand is from South Park.
I mean the voice lines are not new, they are pulled from another branch of Enlisted, the Chinese version of the game
I’ll work on it.