To anyone who owns the StuG III G

Trying to decide if it’s worth the buy, i like to play BR3 a lot, and I’m just not sure how it compares in game to the pz.IV J. Stat wise the guns and and shells are the same. Only real difference is the shape of tank and the stug has less frontal armor as well. To anyone who owns it, does the slope of stug make up for the lesser armor? Any real benefit to the stug over pz?

Sadly… not really.

battle rating mostly just take into consideration the gun caliber size and penetration values of the vehicle, while forgetting things like mobility, all around armour, defensive armament (lmgs) or even crew members amount.

Which ends in pretty much all tank destroyers being overtierred imo. because you have full fledged tanks at the same br with the same canon power which does everything else better…


I dont have it, but from shooting at it I can say its “slightly” harder to pop than any of the Panzer II-IVS

But whether thats enough for it to be worthwhile is debatable…since it has fixed gun, NO mg and easy to disable

It’s extremely similar to TT Stug III F. So G version is basically just paid collectible.

I recommend to buy something else.


its like a panzer 3M
its not the best BR2 vehicle and not the best deal

you can get a better item whit the offer