TNT charge bug

The detonator does not work extremely often and has been more buggy than usual lately. It always seems to not work when i need it most. I have to switch to my gun then take detonator back out then it usually works. That takes way too long though and is extremely frustrating. They need to fix.


Weird, I have not come across any issues… Maybe it’s only console related issue.

Nope. All my stuff works perfectly fine that I’m aware of. Unless it’s only an XBox issue

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this exist pre merge so it not something new

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Odd, even my buddy has had it happen to him when we play together and he’s on PC. It would happen pre merge for me as well, just pretty rarely and was never a big deal. But now it can happen 3-4 times in a play session. Just earlier i dropped in with paratroopers to get a troublesome tank and my soldier pulled out both the det pack and detonator in one hand and wouldnt let me plant. Would of got him but because of that the tank killed my whole squad.

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