Title changed from community feedback

Yeah you can all go screw yourselves. I’m just trying to make some YT videos for fun and to try and entertain others. What do I get for that? Insults and everyone dogpiling on me and giving me crap for every little thing I did. Thanks guys. Yeah this mistake will not be repeated again. So glad I care about this game and want to be a part of the community in it and maybe even try to contribute to it a little bit. You all suck and deserve misery

What do you wanna prove?
This getting ridiculous at this point: boosting your ego by posting screens when you’re scoring first place in regular matches.
come back and post a scoreboard when you’ve faced decent players. Jesus


Huh? Dude I just occasionally make YT videos of Enlisted. Calm down

eh, seen you acting like an inflated mini-pope here and on Reddit; embarrassing yourself.

superiority complex, much.

Pls stop doing this.


That is…entirely separate from this. Those I was trying to make a point. That point being that Battle Rating in Enlisted is stupid. A point I believe I proved. This is literally just me and my friend playing Enlisted. That is all. I hope someone can find us being idiots amusing. I’m thinking kinda like a low effort RussianBadger or something along those lines. Just me and my friend being stupid while playing games

I didn’t know sharing the content I make would make you butthurt. My bad I guess

I will own up to previously trying to push an agenda with the things you’ve screenshoted there, and I do have a bit of a superiority complex at times. Especially in Enlisted as it’s one of the very few games I’m genuinely good at instead of being mediocre like every other game I play

This video however is just me trying to entertain. Is it low quality? Yeah. Am I funny? To myself but not really to others. Yet I still make videos and post them places in hopes of entertaining someone. What do I get for that? You jumping on me and insulting me. So gee, thanks

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Those I was trying to make a point. That point being that Battle Rating in Enlisted is stupid

Which was more or less completely nonsense since you referred to scoreboards of your own (who would even do that!?)
You posted no arguments other than a handful of games you played yourself?

You post a link to a YT-video without any adherent comments? why?

Yes, now you know. Got fed up, in the end.

But you’re not good, that’s the point.

You’re trying to entertain, with a low-quality video being not funny?


Why play for pain? Cant you just have fun?

I recommend trying custom matches and mods. When there are no gains there is no stress and the maps are usually more interesting

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Love how the stack struggles against a Ha-Go because they are “so empty”.

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Aight if you’re gonna be an a hole you can join the rest of em

Battle Rating is stupid

Battle Rating is infinitely better than the previous system.

We were having fun. It was just a bit of a sweaty match

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Small ammo racks make it hard to one hit at a distance. It eventually dies nonetheless
And, don’t call us a stack. Me and my friend just like playing Enlisted. It’s not like we’re uber optimizing for maximum win rates or any crap like that. We’re just trying to enjoy a game together

Then why did it mention pain in the title? Clickbait perhaps?


35 minutes on a conquest, lol ft

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I think they increased the tickets for conquest. Now the matches are longer there

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Yeah, they are now up to 4000 tickets (previously were 2500, and a mix depending on map before that).

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Well what else am I supposed to title it? “Mildly Sweaty High Tier Match?”

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They take that long now. Over 130 kills in that match. Feels good man. They feel worth playing now

Having fun with friend in enlisted. It would be closer to the truth. But im no youtuber so i might be wrong here

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Look man I just put a title that I thought was interesting enough to get people to view it. The match was sweaty and me and my friend actually had to try so our team could win. Not the laid back match I’ve gotten used to from playing a good bit of BR II as of late. So, I titled it “painful” because it kinda was a bit of a pain to fight those players. So I thought of a half decent title for the video, already had that screenshot of that ugly soldier saved, and went with it. What more do you want from me here dude? I’m still new to this crap. Just get off my back the lot of you