Tiger H1 to be expected

i’m not sure how many knew already, but it appears that there is a tiger H1 in the editor.

( i didn’t until now. as i was trying to put decorations for one of my mods )

( the H1 is the one on the right. the other, is the tiger E which we know from normandy and Berlin )


( the differences of the Tiger H between the E, are primarely the bigger copula, No machinegun on top like the E varient, Smokes placed at the frontal edges which will slighlty temper with your aim affecting the gun depression ) does not have APCR, has a worse Turret traverse and theorically a worse engine. the tiger E is pretty much better than the H. because it’s a latter modification.

and it’s called Germ_[Something something]_H1_Tiger_Stalingrad

which, on top of being funny
( funny because the tiger never saw stalingrad. it was supposed to as a relief of the 6th army in operation north wind, but they failed. anyway that’s “alright” and not the main point )
, it could mean few things. not related to the word stalingrad, but ( Speculation incoming )

it will either be a premium ( though… i’m a bit skeptical about this. because it does not have the name " premium " like the others ) or, grindable through the merge.

which leads to something that somewhat makes me a bit worried.

does that mean… germans that managed to get both the tiger from normandy, and berlin will also be able to fully use 3 tigers?

tigers are not invincible… but like… isn’t that a bit too much?


just wanted to let the few that lived under a rock like me to know.
( plus, perhaps a good new for the H1 enthusiast )


What’s better than one Tiger?
3 Tigers! Being spammed!

(Seriously though, they should not let people bring the same vehicle in their lineup at once.)


which… it’s " funny " if we take in consideration:

i have a feeling this will not age very well…


It already didn’t…

Yes its totally fair for F2Ps to face Premium players rocking multiple vehicle squads and all the infantry squads they want.


it was spoiled since the beginning :confused:

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Leaked footage of Enlisted after merge:


If you buy the gold order tiger you can already spam 3 of them once the merge come

aren’t those under the squad that they come with the campaign?

i don’t think after the merge you will be able to use more than one squad outside the one you unlocked

actually, i have no clue because this merge thingy is still a mistery.


Technically yes and no because of their tech tree tanker 3 should use tiger and we have 5 german tanker 3…


yeah, there’s a giant blurred line about the matter.

guess we’ll see.



If there were no restrictions, six Spitfire squads, eight assault teams, three mortar units and four radio corps would be more to worry about.

Don’t forget, there has also been talk about the AT squads getting larger caliber AT Field Gun fortifications. My guess is that things like this will be able to be countered through their usage.

Also though, it makes me wonder if they are finally going to implement larger maps? With tanks of this size and power, the extra range is going to be necessary.


Theoretically they could get Heavy Anti-Air guns because they were also used in anti tank roles. That way they have a duel purpose so you can use them however you want.

I’ve thought they could give them Heavy Anti-tank guns, but so far the game has a sort of weird way of handling it’s “timeline” because the German Pak 40 is only available in Berlin, so I don’t know if they did not want a specific Heavy AT gun buildable and instead chose the faction’s AT guns based on period; which I don’t entirely agree with.

However ironically the Heavy Anti-Air guns of all the factions were all in service before the war started so the devs don’t have to be picky about time periods, and would be available in all maps and campaigns

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tnf if you play $talingrad, there is more P2… I mean Full access players than F2P, and you get 3 slots after merge , so DF, what “Balance” and “Most players” we are talking about?

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Huh Always thought at best it would land in Africa.

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on the other hand, i wish it will be grindable. as i don’t like the zimmerit paste on the E varient. it makes it ugly imo.

but… yeah not sure about the implication of balance.

maybe it will be putted against IS1s and shermans 76s?

since the tiger E it’s overkill and not really a match for the IS1 or m10s & Shermans .

who knows.

( actually, now that i think about it, it could be potentially become a premium. because it’s a slightly worse tiger. but that would make a buyable tiger. which, you can guess the rest )

For me its the most iconic one.

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yeah it’s not even that bad, but i meant the E being somewhat " superior " due to adjustments and improvements compared to the H1

Huh Never noticed it in WT tbh