Thoughts on this?

how in the hell would I add this to the wiki if it is real? like bruh.

image (7)



it’s on the chinese client though.

isn’t it?

things are different from the english version.

like, unlockable challenges with gold as a reward.


maybe darkflow should learn something from tencent (i think?) - this sounds great.

edit: i guess i shouldnt touch the CN client with a 10 foot pole since the lore is completely different there.


Average game on the Chinese client be like:


anyway, as far as it goes for golden gun, as long those are only for the chinese client, fine by me.

yep… sorry. now that we… mentioned that, this thread will most likely be closed. ( as it happened with few mentioning what i sayed)

and i’ll get beaned.

but, i think it was worthed


Hope so too. The most I’d tolerate for main client is wrapped weapons or weapons tied with some sort of basic camo to match a uniform, or minimum some itching into the gun like how some Fallout New Vegas weapons did.

Forgot the tag line of the gun. RIP thread. Point still proven though.


yeah, i’m not opposed to customization

matter of fact, i do think customization of weapons should happen, as long remains similar to the pre war events with rugs

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I wonder why Chinese people do have such obsession for full gold skins. This is definitely not a first game where I have seen exclusive full gold version of something for Chinese server.

Is gold so much popular there? I hope some Chinese guy can answer this.

I think it has more to do with expectations. Censorship has limited the amount of media coming in, and everyone expects for games to have flashy items and gacha systems. Developers adapt their games in an attempt to appeal to the Chinese market.

P.S. This is only my hypothesis, and I am not Chinese.

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will they also get the drippenwaggen?


i think we have gotten it wrong.

it’s just an event.

because its about to be the 10 of February. aka chinese new years.

so it’s probably just a new event’s year themed reskin of the game.

similar to our chirstmas. or, the previous NFT joke.

so, no, most likely it’s not something that will remain forever or for everyone. and wont come for the EU/NA client.

Edit. it came out to EU and NA client, but only in the editor for modders
( i presume, and hope )

Why do you think so? It looks like classic event version of weapon. Similar to ppsh-42 red.

Yes, I believe it’s china exlusive.


actually good point.

i thought i was looking at the Event AT-40 gun from the ghillie boys and assumed to be just a reskin.

but this one appears to be an actual item. :skull:

but yeah, let’s… just hope it only stays on that version

so… perhaps only… an event for the chinese client?

Yes, it wouldn’t be a surprise to me. I’ve seen several games where on Chinese clients they had full gold skins.

For example on Chinese client for WoT, they’ve actually had full gold version of tank which significantly increased income (way more than premium tanks on EU/NA).

I think there’s some kind of obsession for gold on Chinese servers. I would love to know reason why.

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exactly what you or i think it actually means lol

What do the colors red and gold mean in china?.

in short,

Gold communicates opulence and valuableness in China. It is the color of choice for coins, jewelry, and other luxury items. At New Year, gifts of gold ingots or jewelry are given as a blessing for prosperity in the coming year. Gold furnishings and decorations symbolize the wealth of the owner.

i still really want that type 100 nft as an actual skin

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look i may not be chinese but i am asian and apparently gold is relate to like wealth and luck or something similar i havent search but yea most asian (including me) seem to love gold

and hell i kinda do like that gold stg and as44 gotta say it look good


we have gold C96, i like it but one is enough.

We also have gold astra 300 and gold beretta 1934. I wish we would get gold m1911