Thorneycroft rifles

The Hoplite

British Thorneycroft bolt-action rifle

11 December 2017.303, bolt-action, British Army, bullpup, Lee-Enfield, Lee-Metford, rifle, SMLE, Thorneycroft, Victorian

Note: The information in this article has been superseded by that published in Jonathan Ferguson’s important original research work, Thorneycroft to SA80: British Bullpup Firearms, 1901–2020. That book is available from the Headstamp Publishing website: Bullpup Rifle Book — Headstamp Publishing

This post accompanies the twentieth in a series of collaborative videos produced with ARES Researcher Ian McCollum, who also runs the Forgotten Weapons blog and YouTube channel. Using access to unique collections facilitated by ARES, this series of videos will examine a range of interesting weapons over the coming months. Each video will be accompanied by a blog post, here on The Hoplite, and supported by high quality reference photographs. – Ed.

Jonathan Ferguson

‘The Thorneycroft rifle is one of the world’s first ‘bullpup’ rifles, predating the term itself (which first appeared in print in 1940) by several decades and the current crop of military bullpup firearms by several more. Although named for industrialist James Baird Thorneycroft, the lion’s share of the actual design and development work would have fallen to Moubray Gore Farquhar, of Farquhar-Hill automatic rifle fame. Thorneycroft’s involvement was probably limited to finance and promotion. This was a truly British effort, Thorneycroft being an Englishman living in Scotland, and Farquhar a native Scot who had relocated to Birmingham to pursue his career. Unlike Thorneycroft, Farquhar was a military man and had served as an officer in Thorneycroft’s brother’s Mounted Infantry unit in South Africa. This is an important, if poorly documented connection with the rifle at hand, because the Thorneycroft was fundamentally an arm intended for mounted soldiers and cavalry. Although ill-timed in terms of the military needs of the day, the basic concept that it embodied would eventually gain widespread acceptance and remains in use today.

The Rifle
The British combat experience in the Second Boer War led to a modernisation programme for the service Lee rifle. At the same time, a much more radical response was being developed. Whereas the Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE) was conceived as a universal short rifle, Farquhar and Thorneycroft intended their scratch-designed equivalent to be ‘…more suitable for use by mounted troops’ (from the patent). Mounted Infantry were an important unit type for British colonial warfare, able to quickly get to where they were needed, dismount, and fight as conventional riflemen. Even more so than regular troops, they had a need for a compact and lightweight yet long-ranged personal weapon. Although they did not typically fight from the saddle, handling the 1902 rifle strongly suggests that one-handed firing may have been a secondary purpose – or at least a happy fringe benefit – of the unusual layout and rearward point of balance. As with a modern bullpup it is possible to roughly aim the weapon whilst it is braced against the shoulder with only one hand on the stock.

If the designers converted any existing rifles to prove their concept, none survive today. The ten Thorneycroft rifles in the National Firearms Centre collection are all scratch-built. Several are marked with their designation (‘Thorneycroft Pattern Rifle, Model 1902’ etc). As military requirements demanded, all (bar one, the Model 1907) are chambered for the standard .303 service cartridge and are fitted with bayonet lugs. The example pictured above also has dial sights fitted, no doubt another attempt to please the British military establishment.

The original British patent, No. 14,622 (June 18 1901, duplicated as US patent 713254) describes the rifle much as we would a bullpup weapon today:

‘As in the use of the improved rifle the distance from the shoulder to the trigger should remain as in ordinary rifles, the trigger is placed forward of the magazine, and connection between the trigger and the firing mechanism is made by providing a connecting rod or lever…’

This was followed by British patent Nos 13073 (9.6.02), which covers improvements to the magazine and safety, and 26135 (1.12.04), detailing the revised bolt and plunger type bolt catch as used in the ‘Model 1906’.

Military Trials
The Thorneycroft was never formally trialled as a serious candidate to replace the service Lee. By the time it came to the attention of the Small Arms Committee, development of the Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE) was well advanced. However, it was subject to several informal trials between 1902 and 1903, conducted by NCOs of the School of Musketry at the Hythe in Kent, England. The new weapon went head-to-head with the SMLE in realistic combat-style tests including falling and moving targets at 200 yards. The Commandant at Hythe commented that the rifle was ’light and handles well’, and was impressed by the bullpup concept, but otherwise impressions were not very favourable throughout the trials. Excessive recoil, a defective charger design, consistent failures to extract, failures to eject, double-feeds and misfires plagued the design. It was found to be slower to load and fire than the SMLE and was for the most part less accurate. One test compared the two rifles in terms of the number of accurate shots fired in one minute under the same range conditions (so no, not the mythical ‘mad minute’). The SMLE managed an average of 24.5 rounds fired with one stoppage – the only one experienced in all three trial – whereas the Thorneycroft achieved only 15.5 rounds, with four stoppages and a lower accuracy score to boot. This may be a function of the heavy and inconsistent trigger pull which came in for specific criticism. This latter point, of course, will not surprise detractors of today’s bullpup weapons.

The Model 1906
In October 1903,Thorneycroft requested feedback on the failed trial, which was declined. He was also denied a supply of SMLE barrels to build improved rifles. Undeterred, he submitted a final attempt in 1905 which was politely but firmly dismissed with a single sentence: ‘The Committee inspected the rifle and ask that Mr Farquhar be thanked for exhibiting it.’

Thorneycroft and Farquhar should probably have taken the hint at this point. Instead they kept at it, and the less radical Model 1906 illustrated here (museum no. PR.10280) was the result. Together with the final Model 1907, it represents the more-or-less fully developed form of the weapon. It is less of a bullpup than the original Model 1902 ‘inclined bolt’ version, which was intended to bring the sights up to eye level, instead featuring a trigger located substantially further to the rear in order to approximate the length of pull of a Lee-Enfield. However, like the earlier design it lacks a conventional stock wrist or semi-pistol grip. Instead, only the front lower portion of the stock is shaped for the firing hand, leaving no accommodation for the thumb; an arrangement not unlike a US California-legal rifle stock. This made for substantial felt recoil and muzzle rise, something that had been picked up in military trials of the Model 1902: ‘The recoil is greater than that of the Shortened Enfield Modified Rifle. The blow given by the cheek-piece to the cheek-bone at short distances, and to the jaw-bone at long ranges is very severe’.

Many of the original unique features were dropped for the Model 1906 in favour of more conventional Mauser-like equivalents, including a large straight bolt handle, front bolt lugs and a cock-on-open (although not on rotation) bolt. The rifle is hammer rather than striker-fired, the hammer being located directly behind the magazine and acting on the rear of the firing pin by means of a corresponding slot cut on the underside of the bolt. There is a roller on the upper edge of the hammer to act as a bearing for the bolt, presumably in an effort to smooth cycling.

Importantly for actual practical military service, a safety lever was provided on top of the weapon, acting forwards for fire, backwards for safe. This does not act internally, but instead engages with a steel pin on the underside of the bolt handle, such that when the latter is in the vertical position, a slot on the safety lever engages with the pin and prevents the bolt from being rotated into the fully locked position. This has the effect of making the trigger safe, and also locks the bolt in a convenient storage position for carriage in a cavalry-style ‘boot’ (scabbard). To make ready, the safety is pushed forward and the bolt turned down, engaging trigger and sear and fully chambering the cartridge. The ejector is of plunger type and is, on 100-year-old surviving examples at any rate, very weak. One notable feature given modern complaints over ‘rimlock’ or ‘rim-jam’ issues with rimmed .303 cartridges is the Thorneycroft’s magazine, designed with a follower acting on an angle that places each rim positively one in front of the other. This was made possible by the space made available at the rear of the stock (normally the trigger mechanism would have to engage with the bolt and so would be in the way). However, this may have been an unintended consequence, since the front lower portion of the stock had to be cut at an angle in order to give the shooter something to grasp, creating a raked magazine design by default. Testing with drill rounds shows that rimlock is indeed impossible to induce with this system (although this example is incorrectly headspaced and will not chamber a drill round).

As for sights, various different patterns were fitted to this series of rifles, including an unknown pattern of optical sight on the Model 1902 that is now lost. In contrast to the design philosophy of the SMLE, the tangent aperture type, as found on this model, seems to have been preferred. The rear aperture is drilled into a large rectangular vertical flat plate that is adjustable for elevation. Overall, it is fair to say that the 1906 design had been watered down in an attempt to meet market expectations. This met with limited success. The Cavalry Journal of 1906 (Vol.1, p.224-225) remarked that it was ‘…strong and handy…lighter, better balanced, and has a longer bayonet reach’. It praised the inclusion of front locking lugs and, completely counter to the official trials, claimed that the Thorneycroft could be ‘loaded more rapidly’. By 1907 it was clear that the British government had no interest in any Thorneycroft design, no matter how compromised. No other potential user seems to have expressed an interest, although intriguingly, the last known Thorneycroft rifle, dated 1907, is chambered in 7 x 57 mm Mauser.

The Thorneycroft was a failure; a true ‘forgotten weapon’. But it is interesting that the original rationale for the invention of the bullpup is also the reason that we still have the current generation of bullpup rifles on sale and in service today. These too were created to arm mobile infantry; this time operating from Cold War vintage armoured vehicles and helicopters rather than horses. Despite its failure, the Thorneycroft still has a legacy. Bullpup rifles may be out of fashion in some quarters, but they remain in military, police, and sporting use worldwide. Whereas the debate over their merits relative to the conventional layout continues, modern proponents would no doubt agree with the Commandant of the School of Musketry, who remarked in 1903 that ‘…the principle of curtailing the length of the rifle whilst securing the full length of barrel has much to recommend it.’

Technical Specifications
Calibre: .303 (7.7 x 56R mm)
Overall length: 1005 mm (39.57″)
Barrel length: approx. 648 mm (25.5″)
Weight (empty): 3.36 kg (7.4 lbs)
Feed device: 5-round internal magazine

Where did bullpup begin

October 26 202154

Thornycroft rifle, first model 1902 Steel, walnut. Dimensions: barrel length 740 mm, total length 1 mm, total weight 020 kg Royal Arsenal, Leeds

Like everything created in the century,
has a beginning as well as an end,
and the ending is obvious.

Ezra 9: 5

History firearms weapons. And it so happened that the first samples of such a weapon, that is, with a magazine in the butt, appeared a very long time ago. William Joseph Curtis proposed his design in 1866, Samuel McClean in 1896.

Diagram from US patent # 723706 for the 1903 McClean rifle. It is clearly seen that in this rifle the magazine was located in front of the trigger and its bracket, and the bolt is controlled by a sliding wooden clutch connected to it by a lever!

Schematic from a 1903 McClean rifle patent. In this diagram, the sleeve is pushed onto the magazine

The device of the shutter box and store

In 1901, the English inventor James Byrd Thornycroft (1851-1918), who was born in Wolverhampton in April 1851, contributed to the creation of the bullpup weapon. Thornycroft worked with metal all his life and even received the honor of becoming Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran in Scotland. And he also developed the first real bullpup rifle, which competed on an equal footing in the competition for the best rifle for the British army.


He began working on his brainchild shortly after the outbreak of the Boer War, when newspapers began to print stories of its participants that the Lee-Metford and even Lee-Enfield rifles (which replaced Lee-Metford) were too long and therefore inconvenient in the trenches but even more uncomfortable for riders.

And Thornycroft came up with a happy idea … to shorten the rifle, but not by changing the barrel length, but by rearranging it. And in 1901 he already received a patent No. 14622 dated July 18, 1901 for it.

It was a bolt-action rifle, but its bolt moved back through the butt almost to its entire length, which made it possible to reduce its size as much as possible, while maintaining the same barrel length. The rifle was chambered for the standard .303 British cartridge (7,7 mm) and had a five-round Lee system magazine.

Where did bullpup begin
The so-called Lee-Enfield Mk I short rifle, model 1903. Army Museum, Stockholm

The Thornycroft rifle was 7,5 inches (190 mm) shorter and 10% lighter than the Lee Enfield rifle. But during the tests at Hite, its impact was considered excessive: the ergonomics were assessed as unsatisfactory.

As a result, it was not accepted into service.

Rifle Thornycroft “second sample” had similar data and even outwardly resembled the first sample, which the military rejected. Barrel length - 635 mm, total length - 970 mm, total weight - 3,46 kg. The designer, however, understood that he had to do something with the rifle, improve it, going towards the military and …

A second sample was created. All parts of the new rifle were covered with wood, while its entire front part was almost identical to the Lee-Enfield rifle.

Rifle Thornycroft “second sample”. Shutter view

On the right side of the box was a lever that compressed the spring of the magazine, lowering its pusher and any loaded cartridges below the level of the bolt, that is, it acted as a cutoff of the magazine. The rotary bolt had two locking lugs and was controlled by a handle bent downwards. The extractor was located on the underside of the shutter. Bayonet - standard, British, army model of 1888. For its installation, the appropriate fastening parts were provided.

Rifle Thornycroft “second sample”. Right view

On the third sample of his rifle, the inventor worked not alone, but together with Mubray Horus Farquhar and Arthur Henry Hill. Moreover, Thornycroft lived in Mauchlin, Ayrshire, Farquhar - in Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and Hill lived in Birmingham, Warwickshire, in England.

Diagram of the rifle from the American patent of 1907 No. 827893

Diagram from patent No. 827893. The device of the store and the chamber

In fact, this rifle “started from scratch”, that is, it was redesigned in the most radical way. The bolt looked different, with a straight grip, and the shape of the butt also changed very much. The bolt could now be removed by pressing a button on the upper surface of the butt. The combat platoon was abandoned in favor of an internal trigger with a roller bearing, which made it possible to install a wooden “cheek” over the bolt.

The barrel was redesigned: the ears were taller to protect the sight, and the barrel tape was moved forward to cover the nose protrusion.

It is curious that for some reason the rifle did not have (in any case, it is not on the surviving rifles) a corresponding eyelet for attaching a bayonet. A new butt plate was installed, modeled on the SMLE rifle.

Thornycroft also developed his own new scope design, patented by him about three years earlier, and graduated for shooting at distances from 200 to 2 yards, and adjustable in both height and horizontal plane.

The rifle did not have a conventional fuse, but an original vertical lever was provided, located next to the chamber and the bolt handle, which could be folded back and thus the bolt was locked. The ejector was plunger at the end of the bolt.

Thornycroft rifle, “third model” model 1907. Barrel length - 676 ​​mm, total length - 1 003 mm, weight - 3,39 kg

It should be emphasized that the Thornycroft rifle (interestingly, the name of its co-authors was forgotten, and it was never called, for example, the “Thornycroft-Farquhar rifle”) was not just a modified version of Lee-Enfield, but became his original brainchild from start to finish.

Lineup of Thornycroft rifles. 1902, 1903, 1906, and 1907 prototype models, documented starting July 18, 1901

The barrel of the rifle was almost entirely covered from above with a wooden lining, and from the bottom by a stock, so it was impossible to get burned on it in the event of prolonged shooting. A separate metal frontal (“bow”) part of the box was combined with a projection for a bayonet. And there was also an adjustable platform with a triangular front sight and curved side flaps. As was customary on army rifles, a folding “salvo” sight was provided on the left on the stock.

Rifle “Thornycroft” М1907. View of the bolt and butt

A curved wooden cover was attached over the cylindrical “bolt” bolt with two lugs, serving simultaneously as a “protrusion” under the shooter’s cheek. It also served as a limiter for the linear sliding stroke of the bolt during reloading, resting against a metal protrusion in the rear of the butt.

Rifle “Thornycroft” М1907. Close-up view of the shutter. The funnel-shaped recess on the wooden cladding under the safety lever is clearly visible

The role of the safety catch was played by a hinged hinged lever located in a hemispherical “recess” next to the bolt handle, so that it would be more convenient to hook it with a finger. In this version, the rifle turned out to be quite convenient, but its reloading forced the shooter to raise his head in order to be able to freely move the bolt.

The built-in five-round magazine system was also not compatible with clips, despite the usual top-down loading. Which, of course, the military considered a serious drawback.

Compared to the rifles in service, Thornycroft’s weapons were 19 cm shorter and 10% lighter (3,36 kg) than their competitors.

The entire model range did not go through the full cycle of tests, which were carried out from mid-1902, and gave way to the shortened SMLE-versions of Lee-Enfield rifles, which were already in service with the British army. Nevertheless, it was one of the real steps towards the creation of modern bullpup automatic rifles.