This month event, let's guess

What it gonna be? Are devs will go complete the missing weaponized APC for Japan/Soviet or assault engineer for USA/Japan, or a completely new theme of squads/vehicles? :eyes:

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Pershing T99 and some Jap MG squad.

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German belted MG go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Which one is the T99 again? Is it the super one or rocket one?

If it the rocket one then it absolutely a must buy for me

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USA and Japan Assaulter squad (american and japanese Horn StG/ At44)

or Soviet and Japan paratroopers

Engineer team for large caliber 17pounds and FLAK36/88.

Most likely not, consider that there is no tech tree assault rifle for them yet.


M2 Carbine and Type Hei Auto

Those are SF rifle that already can be use by engineer.


Those are auto rifles for riflemen. They lack assaulter weapons after the drum smgs

Soviet + JP 200rd beltfed mgs as event rewards.

Another obscure or rare weapon locked behind FOMO that i would find interesting but will not grind.

What about adding content to the tech tree? And not release every single new weapon of the game as events?

300rd MG 42 with 1500 RPM and night vision