This is odd (Halloween event weapon)

In the Halloween event if a ally drops a B variant of a weapon that is in the battle pass, only players who pay can use it. I was under the impression that players were paying for the ability to get the weapon in crates at objectives and one copy in the main game.

Me trying to pick up the stg 44 B:

Have already achieved a level higher than the stg:

I suggest this should be changed so free to play players can try out the weapons in the event. Also the odds of a teammate dropping it isn’t all that common anyway.


so like if someone drops it and not from a box
have not even seen it in game yet must be people playing hard

Yeah,usually when people I play with get doubles of their current gun they’ll put a marker on it

when i get a double it just bumps my ammo, but good job for being a team player

All you need is FG and double barrel machine gun
There is almost no value in anything else

The double barrel mg is one of the last unlocks by the time I get it I will be fed up and done with the event already

You lost one team
Although these teams are not much different from garbage
But you also don’t want to see him in the next silver coin draw box.

Snail being snail

Nothing will be changed