I was under the impression that in the new tech tree system we need to ‘research’ everything in a research line to progress to the next weapon. I also know that we need to ‘purchase’ the weapons and vehicles that we ‘like’. But what is this? Are you telling me that on top of grinding for weapons and vehicles which I most probably will never use ‘I will need to buy every single one of them as well?’ Also this message which popped up on my screen was not there before the latest patch/minor update to the game. It only said ‘you need to research previous items in line’ but now it says ‘you have to purchase them’ as well. This is a very lame move. Fix this!
The new tech tree is infuriating and just screws over veteran players. I’m already completely out of silver and you’re forced to buy items and squads you don’t want. Not letting us continue our research from where we left off and making us work through all the crap from campaigns we never played is also screwing players over.
I was still fine with grinding for stuff but not this. A tank costs 15,000 silver in-game. Are you telling me that in order to progress from my Sherman II to the M4A2 76(W) I not only need to grind 1,80,000 exp on average but I need to ‘purchase’ those 5 tanks or something for 15,000 silver each? I highly doubt if they even play their own game. The current silver gain is unsustainable to carry out such expenses.
Its beyond absurdal indeed, I like the new additions but at the same time I feel like I got spitted to the face with that progress system
yay merge
They just implemented a system which is closer to War Thunder.
Prices shouldn’t be that high, and I find the current status of things to be rather limited: I’d like to see more weaponry variation, as well as more vehicle variations which would make grind more rewarding.
For example, to unlock “captured weapons” with limited numbers for purchasing, especially in the German line, to somewhat imitate for example how PPSh’s were brought from the Eastern Front to the Western Front during later stage of the war, but also how the soldiers of various factions used to adopt enemies’ weapons as a desperate move, or because of perceived superior to theirs.
Agreed, this tech tree is interesting but requires even more flexibility
Not really, especially in 1944 normandy, at best there were some soviet AT seen in north africa, but still in very limited numbers, dont let CoD fool you.
Some captured weapons could be regarded as “premium” content tho