As someone who already finished and fully equipted three other faction I am trying to do the same with my last faction japanese. And turns out it is not easy.
I got premium and premium battlepass. And opened an extra slot
Silver is very hard to get. I had 1.2-1.4 millions before I try to open japanese line And now I only got 0.9 million. And It is just tierII.
Tier 2 or even Tier 1 vs Tier3? How is new player suppose to kill a enemy tier3 tank hiding in black zone?
Dont say use plane. Whenever I choose plane my team will lost a point or two.
And yea even consider tier±0 game some gears are really op. Like lancaster smg.
This just make people want to give up. 18.7k for the first level of improving a squad.
For all these time after the merger. All these fucking time. There is still hard to see even matches. How many 2v6 games do I still have to play?
A lot of this sucks, indeed it’s not perfect. Of course it’s mostly better after the merge but some problems remain. I have no defense for these problems, I defend the merger because it was the best solution.
All of these problems, especially matchmaking and grind, need addressed for the long term health of this game.
Agree with this. For some weapons it is really helpful but I feel like this is mostly something you do later. Focus on getting good weapons and maybe upgrade them half way.
It’s important also not to feel like every time you unlock a new weapon in class (SMG for example) that you need to kit out a whole squad with them (or anyone). Many are just barely above side-grade and should not get your silver until you are flush.
Yeup. I’d wager more than 3/4 of all the guns I regularly use on all my squads, which is my BR II, III, and V squads, are NOT maxed out. Most are barely touched and almost all that have some levels were bought that way Pre Merge. Not everyone has a mine. Not everyone has a backpack. Shoot I have a couple soldiers that ain’t even got nades, although those are much fewer in number now. Almost all my maxed guns I used Weapon Upgrade Orders for. This includes my M1918A2’s and M1919A6’s, praise Browning. Still got like 20-30 of them lying around. Oh, I also didn’t min/max my soldiers. I just got whatever I got my hands on. Surprising number of maxed stat boys though. Anyways, ES goes a lot further when you’re not min/maxing everything from guns to soldiers. A basic level gun will serve you perfectly fine till you have the bank to splurge on the first one or two dudes in each Squad for that little extra effectiveness
Oh didums - I operate at about 0-30k silver - you have a freaking fortune so stop whining!
Use an aircraft or go kill something that you can kill - the is no particular reason why your current squad has to be able to kill everything on the map!
Another player who came from CoD or BF. I play BR 1 on BR 5. And I have great joy in hitting players who have the so-called meta equipment (note that there is no meta equipment in this game). Meta equipment is a player’s invention. In fact, there should be more levels in the game. There should be tiers/BR from 1 to 6 and the first one should be cast to the second level at most.
The game in the closed beta looked completely different in terms of gameplay and played much better and people like me paid for what it was back then, and now the game is made for weak players who come here from CoD or BF and instead of enjoying the game so they try to make it similar to the games they came from.
And what was there? One bullet eliminated either a rifle or a submachine gun. Of course, rifles gave a huge range advantage, and artillery fire could be dropped by anyone without a turn, and grenades, bombs and HE shells killed allies. And a few other mechanics that disappeared after the game left the closed beta.
No one is forcing you to destroy it. You can limit his field of vision by using smoke grenades. You can use an engineer to build an anti-tank gun and take an enemy tank out of combat (to take it out of combat is, for example, to critically damage the vehicle’s armament). There are plenty of possibilities, only your imagination limits you.
Open Engineer->open anti air gun->have a joy with a free farm of CAS->open radio men->look at map where your allies dying->call artillery there(or between enemy point and their spawn but this require some skill to know exactly when to call it) = PROFIT
In most of the games jap low BR players ignore planes while allies love to use CAS - so I can sit at some safe “close position” with several engineers in my team and free farm top 1-3 places while drinking tea\juice with chill
Longer\Tougher but much more profitable way - open first 75mm tank(Ho-I)->update both tank and full team->“learn” top skills for tank team(reload mostly)->use commander with binocular->bombard typical enemy troops positions + use machineguns for small groups of troops + farm all BRI-II tanks->hide from tough BRIII tanks=SUPER PROFIT
Sometimes I could finish game without leaving HO-I and ofc be top1-3
Some games are just unwinnable, in this case you need to focus on farming as much as possible, not wasting your time on specific tank or plane, game was designed in such a way where (almost) everything that gives you points - useful for your team. So if you doing 100% of your performance and still loosing - don’t be mad - have a joy with fairly earned XP and Silver.
If you are the germans yes, but I don’t think the japanese AT gun can do anything to a sherman’s armor, it has very bad pen. Sure you can easily target the tracks and maybe the barrel.