This for Sovient at apc

【T-34坦克实验型运兵车,车尾箱子载人-哔哩哔哩】 T-34坦克实验型运兵车,车尾箱子载人_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

Can we make this an event apc squad for ussr? Maybe at tier4/5


Thats crazy cool, the only flaw is you either use it as a tank or a dismounted infantry squad, apc’s can not deploy infantry and use the vehicle at the same time

Personally I think APCs should be transport vehicles in that your whole role is to move around to different spots as your teammates spawn on you, instead of just dumping and jumping.

It’s like with the armed APCs I provide fire support with the primary weapons and move around to different spots to spread out the team.

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yea I agree crew of this event squads should be all tankers.

This is hilarious, YES!

That is cool but it would most certainly be a BR V APC.

I would prefer to see something in the tech tree first, like this armored ZiS-5 truck with a DT MG and a 20mm cannon (around a hundred of these were built including ones with a 45mm cannon)


Armored tech tree APCs for all nations in general are needed.


They should turn Soviet M3 into APC since it’s not that great at BR2 and at higher BR it’s just worthless with it’s AP shell. American old premium LVT also should be turned into APC. Both should be able to spawn infantry that is forced to leave instantly after spawning.

They called it the coffin for 7 brothers for a reason…

make it double

idk, while it makes for a funny idea, I cant see it as a proper APC, at best as a tank with extra seats that can’t be occupied by the crew but instead are just there like on APCs.

German 251/9 is already annoying with its stubby gun and barely any amor, this one will be outright broken.

Giving a faction 5 tank slots… That is a terrible idea.

WTF is that for a reason? Just because something is not meta does not mean that it should become an APC.

Well, instead it could occupy a tank slot, but with the added bonus of ability to spawn infantry.