Since the new update - using a tank as a means of infantry support or anything that is upfront in the battle as opposed to on the other end of the map is shocking. Yes it may be more ‘realistic’ but in this game, many use tanks in close quarters alongside the infantry as who wants to be set in the background because your sights are so damn magnified. You literally cannot see more than a few metres across looking through the gunners sight and when using the tank in close quarters - this means it’s way to easy to miss out on targets outside of that tiny field of view.
A suggestion would be a toggle between the magnification settings (i.e. 1 for zoomed in then other for what it was like before) or just leave it how it was prior.
Again it may be ‘realistic’ to what they’re were like but some aspects of the game should be left alone when they have nothing wrong with it. Now tanks will barely be used and serve very little use in infantry support up on the front line where the action is as you simply cannot see anything! Who agrees?
I tried using a tank last night with this change. Instead of playing forward with my infantry, trying to push through defenders, I opted to sit back and snipe as that’s all I could do without being massively exposed. Worked great…. For me. For gameplay? It had to suck for the enemy infantry that I was MGing down from where my infantry spawn.
There’s an arguemebt for making it harder for tankers to know what’s going on around them with the magnification, but I think this will cause more problems than anything.
Tanks are support units and are not supposed to go CQC into the enemy.
GJ to the Devs!
Makes a tank just an armored sniper then pretty much - if one wanted to be a sniper then just spawn as a sniper squad.
Prior to the update - I could get upwards of 100 kills and +5 vehicles but now it’s just limited to spawn camping on the opposite end of the map. What’s the fun in that to be honest.
I lost count how many same threads today…
These tanks had these magnifications, for some of them it is a benefit, for some of them it is a pain in the … ask the designers why they put it like that, same as you could ask for armor and gun.
Tanks are more than just armor and caliber/length of a gun. Number of crew, visibility from inside (not just the gunner view, but all other view slots), radio etc, etc.
Its like you are saying Panzer 4 had 75 mm gun but they didn’t have that modeled in the game so they slapped on 50mm and it was perfect.
Not many tanks (in the games I played in) would go balls deep into the enemy as a simple explosive pack would just take care of that. A tank needs supporting infantry around it otherwise it’s just an easy kill for a pack of enemy infantry with explosive packs.
Now with the update, if in a tank you may as well never venture out into the open as you can’t see squat around you. They’ve pretty much rendered a tank to an armored sniper to be used in the background if anything.
Did you read my original starting post - I know that they are trying to make it more ‘realistic’ but some things just spoil the use of things. What a tank could be used for prior now has just been reduced to something that’s only good for long range sniping style shots on the opposite end of the map. If one wanted to be sniping then they would spawn as a sniper - not tank.
What I’m saying is that with such the limited field of view due to the such high magnification that’s been implemented, a tank is quite useless in close to medium combat and really can’t do much in supporting infantry units which probably 70% of players play as (and probably more now as less will be wanting to use tanks).
Yes I read it, and I still don’t agree that they should reverse the change.
What do you think about this, commanders view that you could actually use for close range brawling:
Look under point 1)
These Tank changes are awful imo. The base magnification is so enormous that pressing the alt fire button to magnify any further makes no sense anymore.
Please dont tell me that this change is to further realism. Irl u had a whole crew scannig the suroundings.
How realistic is a plane flying to the end of the map to reload and a bomb run every 30 secs?
The Tank fov change just hurts the tank gameplay massive. Balancing != crippling the gameplay
I’m all for more realism … for good or bad … don’t forget this is supposed to be a beta test so things can and will change … I’m not happy about the arty nerf … I actually thought arty was pretty realistic but the devs nerfed it even further.
I feel the same about this change to tanks … The devs have access to numbers and metrics that we can only guess at and at the end of the day they have a lot more at stake in this than we do.
They have a cash cow that they want to keep going so I trust they will make the right decision as they see fit.
At the end of the day if I dont care for or agree with the decision they make I’ll move on to something else
There’s so many threads because vehicle players are low skill
Takes even less skill to sit miles away and snipe noobs, I hope they address this quickly otherwise I’m going to stop playing and they can kiss good bye to any future income from subscriptions they get from me.
I do agree partly to your statement that tanks have become somewhat useless or just about impossible to play. However to my own experience the default zoom level in off it’s self is not the Biggest issue. Yes it is a shocking difference to what we are used to, but also not game breaking breaking.
The thing that is now making tanks nearly impossible to play(in my own experience and opinion) is a combination of a two things.
The insane wobbling of the gunsight when driving over the slightest bumps. Yes indeed in that era gyro stabilized guns were not yet a very common thing but the fact that in enlisted your camera(head) apparently stays perfectly fixed on your aim point while your tank turret and gun sight bob up, down left and right around it is also not really believable. And this is also very disorienting.
Possible improvement, keep the wobble other wise tank driving would not require skill nor thought but partly lock the camera to the movement of the gunsight (avoid screens going full black and peering into the unending black void all the time) -
the gunner sight is the only and single most useful sight on the tank for spotting. The driver can obviously only see forward. But the commander periscope is also fixed forward which combined with the driver viewport makes it obsolete. Enable the rotation on commander sights so we can actually use the position as it was designed. Situational awareness in a tank already required some skill level, now you just don’t have any unless you move at 1 mile an hour and stay far behind the lines especially avoiding every bump on the map.
@GeneralBrus While true that many use tanks in CQB I feel there was no need to warrant a change due to this since tanks are very vulnerable in that situation even with infantry around them. It is fairly easy to disable and kill a tank that is in a CQB situation.
Then again the game is still not final so I suspect a few more changes to this system, and hopefully for the better.
Why realism for this, but not weapons, planes, some of the tanks themselves - that weren’t in the battle at all "IRL"™??