In every game that I have the option to I always play as the British/England (WW1, 2, medieval, Victorian, whatever), it’s just what I do, it’s my preference. When I first started playing Enlisted (after the merge) I mained the Allies. However, I noticed that A) there is not a British squad for every squad type, and B) the nationality of newly bought soldiers is determined by the squad by wich that soldier level was unlocked from (meaning that I can’t have higher quality soldiers of the same nationality as the British squads I would want to go back to later). These two things made it so that I eventually switched to playing as the Axis, I couldn’t stand always having a hodgepodge army of mixed nationalities. As the Axis I could make a homogeneous army for a all Germans lineup (I have no personal interrest in the Italians, it’s just a preference). In other words I could make my very own uniformed German army, down to the last man, weapon and vehicle. I love these choices, I love being able to make my own little company, dressed and equiped to my individual tastes. But I don’t actually WANT to main the Germans, I WANT to main the British. Let me do what I’ve done for the Germans but do it for the Brits as well, and let the players choose how and what their armies should look like!
I have a few (and some mutually exlusive) suggestions I wish were implemented to improve player choice in this matter:
Make at least one subfaction squad available for every soldier type in the research tree, avaialable for everyone to unlock just as any other item you unlock with XP and silver. This should be a given and the minimum for both the Allies and Axis.
Make the nationality of new soldiers a choice upon purchase. The Devs have already said they are planning to do this, I am just laying this out there so it won’t be forgotten.
Make the nationality of new squads a choice upon unlock. A more radical approach compared to suggestion 1. But ideally all players should have the option to play the country they prefer to play when grinding. I don’t have to grind the Japanese to unlock Soviet content, why do we artifically limit subfactions? Now this is as I’ve stated a radical departure from how the game handles unlocks currently, the Divisions and Regiments are based on historical (and current) counterparts and can’t be (and have never been) switched around between nations and it would be very unrealistic if you could do so in game. Instead I propose that there be a (probably one time) function to convert a squad between main-faction or sub-faction squad, who are identical in unlocks but unqiue in all other respects.
Make the vehicles available to Squads matching their nationalities. Why are Americans driving British tanks? Why are Italians flying German planes? Vehicle tier destribution is already roughly grouped by nationality (both Italian and British vehicles being almost universally lower tiered), and the grinding process is unlikely to be altered by squads being available earlier as you would just choose to grind which ever countries vehicles you prefer first. This suggestion is secondary to the previous one, because if you can just alter the nationality of the squad I would instead prefer it if my fifth suggestion was implemented…
Make vehicle skins match the nationality of the squad driving them. We know the developers are not beyond making multiple skins for the same model of vehicle. Some would be really easy too, such as removing stars on vehicles in British squads. I would include this for vehicles who currently has no squads of the vehicles nationality (it is silly seeing Romanian marked planes, flown by German or Italian pilots, in places such as Berlin, North Africa or France, it just never happened). I also mean ALL regular vehicles, including tech tree Rider and APC squads.
Thank you for reading, please tell me what you think, maybe you have other solutions to this problem?